bad memories

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      "I can help you if you want." she looked at me, then at my bandaged arm.
       "how?" I asked, curious.
        "well I won't be able to fix whatever is wrong, but I can take away the pain if you'd like. does it hurt?" she asked me.
        "yeah, it hurts a lot. what is your quirk?"
        "oh, well when I touch people I get their power. I can only use one power at a time, but once I have someone's power I can never get rid of it. one of the powers I got was taking away pain. my dad won't let me go around taking peoples powers, even though they still keep their quirk when I take theirs. I won't be able to fix it but I can make it stop hurting." she said.
        "okay." I replied.
          she walks over to me and touches my arm. the second she does, the pain is gone. I almost cry from the relief.
         "are you okay?" she asks. "your crying"
         I wipe my tears quickly. "i'm okay, thank you." I look at her, her grey eyes filled with concern.
       The memory makes him want to puke. she was always there to help him. always easing his pain. when she finally got a healing quirk (behind her dads back) she healed all of his injuries. he never had to say anything, she always knew.
        He would always think to himself about how great of a hero she would be. she didn't look strong, actually, she looked weak. she was the smallest thing he had ever seen. her bones always visible.
        "do you ever eat?"
        "you look like you are starving."
         "oh, no i'm fine. I have a really fast metabolism."
        "what does that mean?"
         she laughs "it means my stomach works really fast."
         "oh okay."
         "do you want a burger?"

        She was always helping him and being there for him. he felt bad about it. he was never able to help her.

        "do you need help? those bags look heavy."
        "nope! i'm fine." she smiled at him.
        "what's in them?" he asked her.
        "don't tell your dad..." he looked at her with a confused look. "they are a bunch of All Might comics!"
        "Really?!" he couldn't help his excitement as he dug through the bag of comics.
        "where did you get these?!" he looked at her with the biggest smile on his face.
        "you have a nice smile Touya." she said to him.
        He blushed.

        "Dabi! Are you alright?" Toga asks him when he walks into the bar.
        "I'm fine." he tries to walk past her and go upstairs, but she stops him.
        "what's today's date?" she asks.
        "april 19th" his voice quiet.
        "so, your not fine then."
          he looks at her.
         "please let me go upstairs."
         She sighs, and lets him through. "if you need to talk you can call for me, okay?" she waits for a response, but he doesn't answer.
        "GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU JERK!" Norah shouts.
        "DO NOT TALK BACK TO ME LITTLE GIRL. I COULD SNAP YOU LIKE A TWIG!" the hero walks towards the girl and grabs her arm, pulling her off of the red headed boy.
         "LET HER GO!" Touya shouts, his quirk activating.
         "Do you see what you have done to my boy?! huh? do you see it?!" The hero grabs her face and makes her look at the boy as he screams in pain from his own quirk. the smell of burnt skin filling her nose.
         "STOP IT!" she shouts, using her fathers quirk on the both of them. their fire extinguished.
         Touya lays on the floor crying form the pain. burns covering his body.
         "You brat!" touya's father spits at the girl, but she doesn't flinch this time.
         "LET GO OF ME!" she squirms out of his grip and runs to the boy.
         "Touya! are you okay!" tears start to fall from her face.
         "Norah, you have to go."
         "Run. get out of here. now. you have to go!" he grabs her face, kissing her forehead.
          "NO! i'm not leaving you!" that's when she noticed it. the heat. when she looked up, blue and red flames consume the house.
           "GO!" he shouts at her.
           "NO! IM NOT LEAVING YOU!"
            he grabs her arms, and hugs her. "I love you Norah. please, you have to go. get out of here. live. you have to live, for me."
            she sobbs into his arms, but he pushes her away.
           "RUN!" she listens to him. she runs out of the house, not looking behind her.
           "TOUYA!" she shouts as the roof falls in.
            Endevor is standing outside, watching. the rest of the todoroki family together, crying and shouting for their brother.
           he sees the girl, and walks over to her.
           "you did this."

           The family yells as she runs back into the burning house to get her best friend, but he was already gone, and she was alone.
  alright- that's enough- i'm going to cry. BYE

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