"Hello, Eraser head."

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      (about a month later)

      Norah had been working with the LOV for a while now on small missions where she was rarely needed. It wasn't until now that they finally needed her.
      "This is a bigger attack than the ones you've seen Norah, but for everyone else, I want to remind you that we are there for the student, no one else. try to avoid any unnecessary fights with hero's. of course, they are bound to happen, but try to avoid them as much as possible."
       After more instructions were given, Norah began to space out. she tried to pay attention but the leader was not very interesting and she just wanted to get in some action.
        "The main hero to try to avoid is Eraser head. you all saw how much damage he did last time, and I don't want that to happen again." when the hero's name leaves Shigarakis mouth, Dabi looks over at Norah.
        No one else in the LOV knows that he is her father, and she wanted it to stay that way.
       They arrived at a camp in the middle of the woods. It was night time now, quiet. too quiet.
       "You okay?" Dabi Touya whispers from behind her.
      "yeah, i'm okay."
      "You know, if you don't want to be here I understand. I can come up with some kind of excuse to get you out of here." he pauses. "I know I wouldn't be able to see my father again. at least not willingly. not until i'm ready."
      She sighs. "I know, but I have too. And plus, he never hurt me. I hurt him." she says, and walks away before the boy could respond.
      A retched smell filled the sleepy hero's nose. Is something burning? he thought.
      He sat up and looked around the room. when he looked out of his window, that's when he saw it. the smoke.
      "Everyone!" he shouted at the rest of the hero's in an attempt to wake them. "Keep the kids inside! Somethings up, don't let them out!" he yelled as he made his way outside of the building.
      "Hello, Eraser head." a boy about his height greeted him when he walked outside.
      "Who are you?" he asked, raising his hands, preparing to fight. something about the boys voice told the hero that he was trouble.
      "I know you, but you don't know me. not anymore at least." the boy replied.
      "Wha-" He started, but the boy had grabbed him already and pinned him down.
      "You shouldn't let your guard down, Mr. Shota." the boy whispered to him.
      Mr. Shota? The only person who ever called me that was Endevors son.
      He shook it off, and began to fight back.
      The boys both threw multiple punches at eachother, before the younger boy used his quirk.
       Blue flames erupted through the air. they didn't touch the teacher, but he could still feel it's unbearable heat.
       Eventually, the hero captured the boy, with his knee on his neck and his hand shoving his hand into the ground, "you shouldn't let your guard down, boy." he said.
      The boy with the flames escapes his grasp.
       "You know, it's a shame that things happened the way that they did. you would have been a great father." the boy says.
       Is he.... melting? The fire must not have been his quirk. He thought, as the boys body melted away, and disappeared.
      The boy may have been gone, but his words still lingered.

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