Your first day at Hogwarts

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It was a cold rainy morning and you hear you mum and dad call you downstairs for a chat, you come down the stairs and enter the kitchen and you look at them worriedly. Remus Lupin[your dad] says that you can go to Hogwarts and Nymphadora Tonks[your mum] agrees. You run up the stairs and start packing your trunk ready for school and since your dad is a professor there he will take you to school but still riding the train.

                                                               The day of Hogwarts

You and your dad arrive at platform Nine and Three Quarters and you see a family with ginger hair and you dad recognises them because who wouldn't. The tallest ginger turns around and says

'mum look it's professor Lupin but whos that with him?'

'Oh Percy dear it's his daughter he was telling me about last week don't you listen?'

You see four other gingers two the same height one a tiny bit smaller than the other two and one taller than the third ginger. You and your dad go up to them and you all introduce yourselves but you see three of the Weasley boys staring at you and you look at the clock and burst out saying

'Dad it's half ten we should get to the platform, but how?'

'y/n dear it's simple run through that wall umm Fred and George please demonstrate so she can learn'

Fred and George run through the wall like it's nobody's business then goes Ginny, Percy and lastly its's just you Ron Molly and your dad so you run first then Ron, Molly and lastly your dad. You manage to get on the train in time and all sit in a compartment together so you wouldn't get lonely Ginny sits with her friends and you sit Fred George and Ron at learn a lot about each other. Since you've never liked trains you get a bit scared and Ron pats your shoulder and says

'Hey y/n it's okay not many people like this train either'

'thanks Ron'

Fred and George are wondering what year you are in since you look like a third year but in reality you in the same year as Fred and George fourth year and Ron is in third

'so y/n what year you in?

'fourth like you two'

'bloody hell you like your in third year!'

As soon as your about to speak a tall blonde boy walks in your compartment and gives Ron Fred and George a death stare so you stand up and do what a badass girl would do slap him he runs of whilst saying

'my farther will hear about this!'

A few  moments later you arrive at Hogwarts and step onto the platform and see this gigantic looking man with boats behind him and since it's four people per boat you, Ron, Fred and George go in one and in ten minutes you arrive at the beautiful looking Hogwarts castle. Once you get inside the great hall the headmaster says

'SILENCE we have got somebody to sort tonight please welcome y/n Lupin!'

The sorting hat gets placed on your head

'ah a Lupin not seen one in years better be....'

                                                             TO BE CONTINUED

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