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It was the second morning at Hogwarts and you woke up early because you wanted to have a fresh start for your first lessons at school. Ron suddenly wakes up and is still talking about food and how he hates spiders which gets kinda annoying after hearing it a bunch of times. He walks over to you since you up too and says in his morning voice

'How you feeling since last night?, I heard by brothers talking to you about quidditch'

'I'm feeling fine thanks for asking and yes I'm gonna try out for it because apparently we need a new chaser so I really wanna try for that'

'well then you better be prepared because if you make it were gonna go against Slytherin the worst team ever cause of Head of their team is Marcus Flint or as some people call him a slimy so and so'

You burst out laughing because you never thought of people like that. Fred and George suddenly wake up because they heard you laughing.

'Whats going on here?'

They say at the same time

'Oh nothing Ron was just telling me about Slytherins quidditch head/coach'


'shit look me and fred have we will go to potions bye'

'y/n wait I've got it too i'll come with ya'

'okay bye ron'

When you Fred and George arrive at potions the teachers asks why you're late and you two explain that you got lost and then sit down next to each other

'Today we will be learning about Armontentia the most powerfull love smelling potion um Miss Lupin can you tell the class what it does?'

'Yes Sir it detects who you like and their smell'

'very well ten points to Gryffindor'

You Fred and George make the potion and go first [your smell is vanilla, lavender and fire works]

[freds smell is fireworks fire and wood] [georges smell is fireworks wood and coconut]

'Mr Fred Weasley do you mind telling us what you smell?'

'I smell vanilla, lavender and fireworks'

you blush because he smelt you

'miss lupin your next'

'I smell coconut fireworks and wood'

fred and George bush as you have smelt them

'Mr George Weasley your next'

'I smell vanilla, lavender and fireworks '

When the lesson ended you went to try get a spot on the quidditch team. Oliver wood catches you and asks to put o the team clothes and start flying Angelina gets mad because you can fly faster and better than her

'y/n you have made the team well done our first match is in two weeks good luck!' Oliver wood the Gryffindor Quidditch captain says

'thank you I'm honoured to be on the team' I say in excitement knowing the twins are on the team too

I see Angelina walk over to me with a look that says she's pissed off 'OI LUPIN!'



'okay if fred was with you you would let him have his own friends and just hang around with you twenty four seven because that just needy as hell Johnson don't try me'

'come on lets go Rons probs trashed our dorm'


'were not dating Johnson I've got my eye on the person who I smelt in potions and that's not you so don't get excited'

You blush because Fred and George smelt you and you smelt them

Me and the twins make it back to the Common Room to tell Ron what had happened at Quidditch

'oh Ronaldddddd' I say creeping up behind him

'OH BLOODY HELL' Ron says jumping back

'calm down it's just us miss Lupin over here got into the team'

Ron walks over to me and hugs me whilst making my feet lift of the floor whilst, Fred and George get jealous over the fact it should be one of them lifting me like that not their younger brother

'well done doofus' Ron says in my ear

Soon Hermione walks down the stairs with Angelina crying next to her they walk past us all and Ron the twins and I death stare Angelina as she death stares us as she walks out with Hermione

*at dinner*

'trouble come here I wanna talk to you about potions' Fred says walking towards me

I agree to talk with him realising him and George both smelt me and I smelt them but I only wanted Fred and Fred only he's the one I've been wanting ever since I layed eyes on him

Me and Fred walked to the black lake to get some privacy we sit down and he puts his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder and slowly drift away into a different mindset

'trouble, y/n, drarling' Fred kept on saying to get my attention

'yeah what sorry' I jump back

'love what im trying to say is' Fred moves so we are looking into each others eyes 'Darling ever since I first met you I've been wanting to tell you this but I just didn't know how to word it correctly but I think I have finally figured out how to tell you so here it is...'

I just gaze into eyes taking in every word he is saying

'y/n lupin I-'


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