Chapter 6. The Interview

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A/N Hello! I realized while I was writing this chapter that the slow burn and angst is probably really frustrating! But these chapters are just a little slow because we need to finish setting up the motives for these characters. So I'm sorry! haha but I hope it is still intriguing enough to keep y'all around. That being said, I do have some good plans for our love birds. Enjoy!

Emma's POV

Chris started the questioning by making sure you were comfortable with having Demi and Flip in the room. Demi gave your hand a reassuring squeeze but you were looking at Flip when you said, "yes, I would prefer it that way." You still didn't want Flip to hear all of the humiliating things that had happened but there was a part of you that wanted him to know, so he could help you, and comfort you.

You glanced over at Demi who openly smirked at you. She could read you like an open book and even though you hadn't talked about it yet, she definitely knew about your attraction to Flip. You hated yourself for it. Even though you had resolved to being just friends with Flip you couldn't stop yourself from daydreaming about him when he walked in the room.

You watched his muscles flex underneath his white shirt as he moved the large chairs, one in each hand, for himself and Chris. He ran his fingers through is silky hair to push it out of his face. Your attention turned to his lips. You bit down on your own while you watched his form a slight pout over something Chris had said. Once again you were hypnotized.

"Great," Chris said. "Why don't you start with what happened November 3rd when you arrived at Snow Basin."

"Well, I got there a little bit before noon, like I usually do and headed into the lodge like normal." You began to recount your day. Nothing unusual, just a few runs down the mountain and a break every once in a while, then you ended the day with a hot cocoa at the lodge while you talked to Demi on the phone.

"And you didn't notice anything out of the ordinary?" Chris asked.

"No, everything was normal."

"So, after your conversation with Demi, what happened?"

"I grabbed my bag and skis, and left the lodge. Then I strapped my skis to the car, and threw my bag in the trunk." You shifted in your bed, making yourself sit up taller. Repeating the events of this day out loud for the first time made you feel like you were reliving it all over again.

You looked at Flip for comfort. He was leaning forward on his knees and looking straight at you, nodding in encouragement. You took a shaky breath and continued.

"When I got to the door of my car I saw a man walking towards me. He stopped a little ways away and said he saw me inside and was wondering if I wanted to get a drink with him. I told him I couldn't but he insisted. He just kept saying, 'come on, just a cup of coffee. Let me buy you a coffee,' stuff like that." You paused to take a breath. "He got angry and started walking towards me, saying stuff like, 'I can't believe you would do this to me' and 'you don't know what you want.' I looked around for someone to call out too but I couldn't see anyone and when I turned to face him again he grabbed me. Thats when I felt something pressed something against my stomach. He told me he had a gun and if I ran he would shoot me. So I went with him."

You paused, waiting for someone to speak. You looked from Chris, to Demi, then to Flip. All of them were watching you, waiting for more of the story. Your embarrassment rose into your cheeks. "Look, I realize I probably should have yelled or ran anyway, but I was scared and I didn't know what to do. Clearly I didn't know what this would all lead to and that he wa-"

"No," Flip cut off your rambling, "No, you don't need to justify your actions at all Emma." He leaned forward, "you did what you needed to save your life." He spoke clearly, trying to convince you that you had nothing to be ashamed of.

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