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Draco walked up to these three kids walking off the platform. "I'm surprised the ministry's still letting u walk around free Potter.Better enjoy it while you can. Isuspect there's a cell in Azkaban-" Draco said as I stopped him. "Come on Draco just leave these kids alone". I say as I shove Draco a little bit.I remember a few years ago there was a newspaper. Saying my dad was freed from Azkaban. Or so Draco told me that's what the paper said. I saw it just a couple days later. He wasn't freed he escaped. Still yet to find him he hasn't came and taken me from the Malfoys.I would be happier if he did if you ask me. I catch up to Draco and some of his friends as we walk up these many stairs to this huge castle.

I see this wrinkly old lady with some little kids saying they will be sorted into there houses. "Cousin you have to go with them to get sorted" Draco said looking behind him.
Well that's second hand out embarrassment considering I will have to get sorted with a bunch of 11 year olds. I walked into this Humongous hall of every student from The castle. "Black Y/N" This lady called out to the crowd. I walked up to the chair. It took a few minutes but the sorting hat decided to shout."SLYTHERIN" I was really hoping gryfindor. well at least now I will get to hang out with pansy and Blaise. I'm not really close with my cousin Draco.

I sat down at the slytherin table next to Blaise and pansy. Dumbledore had stood up making an announcement of me being here. Those three kids all gave me nervous looks or more of an I wanna get to know them look. "Today we are greeted my a new student y/n black" Everyone turned to the Slytherin table giving me weird looks. The whole tables filled with food. I started eating not that much I was still nervous so I barely ate. After me Draco pansy and Blaise finished food We all got up and walked out of the great hall. "Well I think I should show you the common room first" Draco said as we walked up to these many many many flights of stairs. There had to been about 100 or 200 something in between. After a while of climbing stairs we reached the common room "Pure-blood" Draco said walking up to a painting on the wall.We all walked into the slytherin common room. "Follow me y/n we share a dorm" Pansy said. I walked up the stairs to our dorm.  

" We better get heading to bed you have your first class tomorrow" Said pansy while putting her hair up in a messy bun and brushing her teeth at the same time. Pansy Had 2 pairs of these plaid green and black pajama pants." would you like to wear one of these" Said pansy holding out the pants in front of me. "Oh yea sure thanks" I said as I was walking into the bathroom. I had gotten changed and settled in when I heard a knock on the door. "Y/N Y/N LET US IN" Pansy ran to the door to Blaise and Draco as soon as she opened the door they were in our dorm. They closed the door and locked it. "Bloody hell what do you guys want" I said letting out a giggle. "Okay so y/n there is quidditch tryouts tomorrow and Blaise and I are on the team but we need  a second beater" Draco said excitedly. "First of all Draco explain to me what is quidditch and a beater" I said looking at Draco laughing at how ridiculous Draco looked. Pansy let out a laugh too. "So basically in quidditch there are  quaffles and what you have to do is hit the ball away from teammates blah blah blah it's really easy" Draco said. "Really all I have to do is hit a ball" I said looking at Draco confused."yes but flying on a broomstick" Draco said looking at me kind nervous as if I would say no. "FLYING ON A BROOMSTICK" I said yelling at Draco, "ITS LITERALLY MY FIRST DAY HERE" i said looking at both of them. " Well hell you could've just said no" Draco said looking at me with his hands up.

"There is a possibility but I would have to tryout for to practice and I don't feel like being embarrassed in front of the whole school while I almost fall of a broomstick high in the air" I said to Draco getting into bed. "PLEEASEEE it's not even that hard" Draco said. "no Draco I alre-" I said as Draco interrupted me. "PLEASE" Draco said. "No" I said back at him. "PLEASEEE" Draco said even louder. "NO now will you stop throwing a tantrum you look ridiculous"I said in a loud tone. Draco stared straight into my dark brown eyes. "PLEASE" Draco shouted in my face. Right then and there I slapped Draco so hard. "ALL U HAD TO DO WAS SAY NO" Draco said yelling at me. "I DID YOU DUMB ARSEHOLE" I yelled back.I got up and walked down stairs to the slytherin common room and sat on the couch.Pansy came downstairs. "Do you wanna go get something to eat" Pansy said putting on a smile. "Sure but exactly how do we do that it's like 11:00"I said looking confused. "We sneak to the kitchen" Pansy said putting on a savage smile. We walked out of the slytherin common room and went down the many flights of stairs until we got to the bottom. "Wait do u hear that" Pansy said slowing down. "No what do you me-" , "Shhhh" Pansy said looking around. "ROANLD WEASLEY WHY WOULD U DO THAT GET BACK HERE" We heard shouting from the stairs. And it was getting closer . "Run" pansy said in a low voice. "GO" Pansy yelled. We started running, taking lefts and right. One moment pansy is there next she's gone. It's like she disappeared. Maybe she did. "STUDENTS OUT OF BED" Said the peeves Draco told me about. "HUSH BE QUIET PLEASE" I loudly whispered. "MOVE MOVE" said this read headed tall boy. "RONALD WEASLEY HOW DARE YOU" Said a very dirty browned haired girl. This boy fell to the ground. I started running following them still trying to find pansy. This girl got on top of him and started punching him. "WOAH WOAH" I said . I ran over to them and grabbed her and lifted her off of him. These were complete strangers but I mean I could be nice for once.

"OKAY OKAY NOW WHATS GOING ON HERE" I said shouting at both of them. "THIS BOY THREW MY BOOK OUT THE COMMON ROOM WINDOW RIGHT AS I WAS ABOUT TO FINISH" She yelled. "ITS JUST A BLOODY BOOK" Said the boy. "Y/N THERE YOU ARE" Said pansy running down the hall. She grabbed me. Then she noticed the students. "Come on you shouldn't be with these people" she said as she dragged me out of the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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