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Welcome back, my darlings! This has been a long time coming (longer than even I expected, honestly) so I'd just like to take a minute to thank those of you who have returned to read this.

Congratulations, you survived the heartbreak that was Bombshells and have arrived for the sequel. Like I said, this is a sequel so if you haven't read my first book, go check it out!

For those of you returning, I do have to let you know some things about this book will be different from Bombshells:

First off, the Steel boys are still their mischievous, protective, incredibly handsome selves, but it has been ten years since Ariel died. And, well, they've matured. They have families of their own and careers and have done a lot of things with their lives.

Second off, this book is going to be in third person because I would like to play around with what's going on inside of everyone's heads. (Eight boys, lots of thoughts to write out, wish me luck).

On that note, my writing style has shifted a bit and matured, which is to be expected with how much I write. (I have hundreds - literally hundreds - of stories started and about a dozen or so of those completed.) If you don't like the new style, I'm really sorry but I do.

Third off, I'm not sure how long this is going to be but I don't want to it be as long as Bombshells, because that was a really long book. It took me, like, half a year to write that entire thing and I don't think that this idea I have brewing would be as good if it were as long. If you think I'm wrong in that, let me know and I'll see what I can do about making it longer.

I don't see many books describing what it's like to be the person who survived the loss of someone incredibly important to them. That being said, Atomic Bombs has taken on a whole new meaning to me since my dad died and I was the one who survived the loss.

Now to the not so depressing part!

Call me a prude, but I have a thing against plagiarism. I absolutely loathe it and I'm not afraid to admit it, obviously. If I find out that someone ever stole one of my books, I'd remove myself and my books from this platform and I really enjoy writing for an audience so please don't do that. Plus, it would honestly crush my soul.

I have a lot going on at home. That isn't new to my OG's out there. When I mean a lot, I mean enough to scar a person. I promise to update as often as humanly possible, but that's not always something I'm able to do with my hectic schedule. I'm sorry if that disappoints any of you guys, but it is what it is.

Please don't bash my characters. I've dealt with that a lot recently and it's amazingly hurtful. I don't write perfect characters because they're unrealistic and they irritate me. I write about flawed human beings who are never going to be close to perfect. They say the wrong thing, act the wrong way, lie when they shouldn't, are amazingly oblivious, etc. Please, please, please don't hurt me by bashing my babies. These are people I put my heart and soul into creating and when you insult them you're insulting me and that really kinda sucks.

Oh yeah, I'm going to go ahead and put a trigger warning here. There'll be fight scenes, abuse related topics, anxiety, eating disorders, etc.

Please don't get frustrated with our main character and hate on her. If you're hating on her for how she thinks when she is a legitimate child who has survived years of abuse, that only displays your own ignorance. I will mute you if you start saying stuff like 'she's so stupid' or 'I know she's going to learn, but I'm so tired of how she thinks' or something similar. I see it all the time and I know from personal experience that abuse doesn't go away and your way of thinking while being abused doesn't go away without serious help and a shit ton of time.

Okay, rant over.

But guys, if you're rereading (affectionately called RR's) please please please do not comment spoilers because I can't promise to delete every single one of them and I want people to be just as surprised as you were when first reading. Thank you.

Warning: There will be swoon-worthy boys, protective bad boys with daddy issues, cliche plots, and very un-cliche plot twists. If you are prone to screaming at your phone/computer, swearing, commenting aggressively, shipping two or more characters together, or even drooling over guys, please continue reading.

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