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(Rukia's P.O.V.)



Damn those fools.

Renji. Ichigo. Damn it all.

I paced around the neighborhood, the early morning sky still a dusky rose color.

I bit my lip hard enough to draw the slightest bit of metallic-tasting blood

When I see them again today, what am I supposed to say...?

More importantly, what am I supposed to do exactly?

I can't say that I have possible feelings for both of them.

"No. No I don't," I muttered out loud, trying to convince myself.

My voice sounded rather uncertain.

"Hey, um, good morning."

I spun around. Who was up at this time...


It was Renji, accompanied by Ichigo.

Perfect timing, I thought to myself sarcastically.

Just great.

"Look, Rukia," they both began.

"You know what? Don't give me your crap by saying how sorry you were for last night or whatever. I don't want to listen to it." I angrily retorted.

They both flinched at my caustic words.

I cringed mentally. I hadn't meant for it to come out so harshly.

"Okay, we were kinda about to get to that, but I wanted to say that me and Ichigo have a proposition for you." Renji scratched the top of his head, his eyes looking straight at me with sudden seriousness.

Ichigo nodded vigorously in agreement.

"We want you to go out with both of us."

I blinked in surprise.

What was that?

"Um, excuse me?" I mumbled back, shaken and confused. I wasn't sure I had comprehended what i had just heard.

"Rukia, you know we both...are extremely attracted to you, and we want a chance to show you how we can be like if you're with us..." Ichigo explained, stuttering at some words.

"I can't..." I started.

"Rukia. Look," Renji took me by the shoulders and forced me to look up at him. "We you a lot. It's just like a test run or something. I don't have a good way with words, but we just want you to experience this. You don't have to choose between me or Ichigo just yet. I...we just want to show you what we have to offer to you. That's our proposition."

Sigh. I hated it when Renji did that. He made me listen to every word, and I could barely refuse his offer...

No. Rukia, you are not putting your heart on the line for this.


"Okay, fine." I said, contradicting with what my logical mind was wrestling with. "I'll do it."

"Really? You will?" Ichigo and Renji both looked like they were about to cry with happiness.

Wow. Did I really mean that much to them?

"Yeah. Just this once. Just for a while." 

I began to walk away, my mind slowly unfreezing.

What. Had. I. Done.

What the heck.

I could hear them both cheering behind me.

Well, it couldn't hurt, to experience...

But they're my friends. I know they said I wouldn't have to choose between them both, but there will come a time when I have to, and then that will inevitably be the end of a friendship...

No. What the hell. I'm thinking way too far. I don't think I'll even be able to commit...

My god.

I just hope that...I didn't make the wrong choice.

But my instinct tells me that I just stepped into...something more difficult.


Okay. I hope that didn't sound too rushed...although I think it did...

Sorry, I usually have the chapter all typed up already on my iPod, but i have to wait a little until i can actually use the computer for the fonts...

Eh, but I think this chapter gives more room for added romance...

*evil laughing*


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