Chapter Twelve

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“Zee!” Hauwa called out more than twice at the door, but still, there was no answer.

“I told you this was a very bad idea, as always.”

Asma’u was already getting piqued. It has happened one too many times and the reason Hauwa still dragged her here again eluded her.

It was clear Zee had cut off ties with them, and she had driven in the words louder and clearer.

“That’s not what we agreed on.” Hauwa was adamant. And then pleaded further, “Please Sister Asma’u, we need to do this.”

Asma’u sighed. She knew Hauwa was right, especially since she herself wouldn’t want to leave without saying good bye.

It was a final attempt albeit a feeble one, to get them to reconcile before Asma’u’s slated sojourn to look for Murtala expected in the next seven days.

It was all she could do to avoid raising a fatherless child.

Fathers are important, no matter how different she felt that period. She would try to unite Murtala and their child even if it costs her her dignity and pride! 

She had resolved that against her parents’ admonishment and better judgment. 

She’d called on Zee previously and knew she had received the messages she’d left for her, but she had stubbornly evaded them.

Hauwa called out twice again and then decided to push at the locally made heavy iron door. It was locked from the outside.

“That’s strange. The door is locked from outside. Zainab rarely goes anywhere.”

“Apparently she is not around to give us the warm hugs you’d envisaged.”

Asma’u felt heat rise up to her throat. Oh, that was the last straw. At that instant, she’d made up her mind. To hell with reconciliation, she was getting herself out of there.

Zainab had seen them and locked the door to her special room and sprang to avoid them!


Who did she think herself to be?
As she made for the main door, she heard Hauwa’s voice, “Wait!!”

She turned around and was alerted to find Hauwa raptly at Zainab’s door, her eyes filled with determination.

“What are you listening to?” she demanded, more annoyed.

“Shhh,” Hauwa begged for absolute silence. “I think I have heard something.”

“And so?” Asma’u asked exasperatedly. “We cannot afford to laze around here like fools!”

Hauwa was motionless, apparently not giving up. Then it came with streaks. The first few sounds were so faint they were almost inaudible. 

It was then they heard the mournful sounds.
“Zee?” Hauwa called out almost alarmingly.

Asma’u felt a sudden surge of adrenaline as they shook the rigid door in their feeble attempts to open it. They could have tried to push down the whole building as well.

The urge to scream for help was compelling.

Hauwa dashed for the main door, “Stay here, I’ll go get some help.” she’d announced and sprinted out, taking two steps at a time.

Asma’u kept pushing at the door since the only window was also shut. She tried peeping through an opening at the wood that served as the window, but the room was dark.

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