Chapter Eighteen

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Assalamu alaikum.

I apologise for the time it took me to give this update.

The last two weeks have been busy for me. But I really appreciate you hanging in around.

I have written this chapter over five times, but still feel it isn't as I would like it.

I decided to post it anyway, and cross my fingers you'd like it.

Please, don't forget to vote!!!

I love you.

The heat in the zaure had risen considerably higher, Habib thought and almost fanned himself as he stood spellbound, melting in to her eyes. 

Ya Allah, she was all he ever wanted and more. For him, happiness, joy, life itself meant Hauwa.

He could stand there, stop time for all of eternity and revel in the moment. 

She looked away from his gaze and he wished the magic that bounded them hadn’t been broken.

She had the most beautiful eyes, purest soul and beauty essences that bore in to his soul.

“I have something for you.” He croaked as he dug in to his jamfa pocket and pushed his hand forward.

When she looked at his outstretched opened palm her eyes lit up with a smile, it was an apple. But before she could look at it for a split more second, he’d withdrawn his hand and bit in to it, getting off a big chunk in to his mouth.

She blinked, visibly stunned. Her mouth opened to say something but no words came out. He took a second bite and relished its taste.

Funny, instead of being angry, she found herself fascinated at the way he gobbled the crunchy, luscious fruit.

“You know, with the way you’re looking at me now, I could choke.” He chuckled. He was clearly amused.

She glared at him. “Don’t you have somewhere you should be? I mean, I wouldn’t want to keep you up here and get you delayed to go see your girlfriend,” Her voice abraded.

Did that come out in a negative tone? Did she sound jealous? Well, if he’d noticed that, he didn’t show it.

“Why?” He arched that single eye brow, “Are you afraid your snake vanquisher will show up any time?” He chewed more of the apple, his eyes teasing.

She cocked her head and gave him the broadest smile, “Are you afraid a snake might attack you again Habib? Don’t worry; I shall call him when the need arises.”

“Uncanny.” He scowled.

He’d always disliked that nincompoop. Allah knew how much he’d hated it when he’d seen her in his company. It was a wonder he hadn’t strangled the ninny and be done with him.

Hauwa deserved someone better. What she didn’t know was that that someone was going to be him, Allah willing.

Hauwa had always held his attention, captivated and invaded his heart. She was in his thoughts, his dreams, and his reality.

His time stopped whenever she came to his presence and he felt himself float on a cloud up high. He couldn’t imagine spending the rest of his life with any other girl.

“Can’t you just let it go? Come on, grow up! Clearly, you are no match for him.”
Of course he isn’t a match for him. The man was an imbecile!

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