A Grave Mistake

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"You shouldn't touch things that aren't yours."

I recognized the voice immediately as the one from the treehouse.

"You!" I spun around and was met with a girl. She had yellow hair (yellow, not blonde) and strangely yellow skin.

"I heard your voice earlier. What were you doing in my treehouse?!" I questioned the stranger.

She didn't look human. Somewhat robotic, rather... She had blood red eyes and hair and skin the color of cheese. She wore a...bib? that read "Let's Eat!" and had a geometrical pattern, as if it were something from the 1980s. What a strange character!

She let out a eerie giggle that sent shivers down my spine...and gave me butterflies.

Huh?! I've never felt this way before...

But before I could relish in this new sensation, I was hit upside the head with something cold and blunt. My world went black...


Cold. That was all I felt. And a throbbing pain from the back of my head. My hand reached up and cupped the growing bump, hoping to soothe it but instead sending a shooting pain through my scalp. 

The pain caused me to yelp. Echoes sounded out from the noise I made. I felt around and realized I was laying on the ground. It was hard and...damp?

Where am I? And how did I get here?

My memories hit me suddenly like a tidal wave, and I remembered my predicament. I should've just stayed home. They might hate me, but at least I'd be hated in my soft, warm feather down comforter. 

I could feel my resolve faltering- or at least it would be if I had one in the first place. 

What if I just lie here and die? It's not like anyone would care anyway...

I pondered this.

What? No! What am I thinking?  I can't just take this lying down.

And so, I came up with a new resolve. 

I will destroy the person (people?) who did this to me. 

With my newfound motivation, I forced myself to get up. My joints hurt from lying on the solid floor. I must've been there a while.

It was dark, wherever I was, and I could hardly see 2 feet ahead of me. The air smelled like rust and mold. Despite this, I continued on. And I didn't stop until I kicked something solid and wet.

It had somehow gotten darker and I could see fuck all, so knelt down to inspect the ground. Then I spotted what I tripped on... 

A body!

I jumped back, falling on a rat. It scampered onto my leg and into my skirt. I shrieked and tried to shake it out, but it had made its way to my ass and latched on with its teeth. 

My struggle against the rat must've made considerable noise because I was suddenly blinded by a light. After my eyes adjusted I was able to make out a small group of bedraggled people, like something you'd see in The Walking Dead. 

The woman in front, who assumed was in charge, held out a crude oil lamp and inspected me. A look of disgust painted her face.

"Is that shit in your hair? And a rat in your skirt?"

Her voice was commanding and husky, like she smoked a pack a day. It was enough to send a shiver through the spine of even the biggest, toughest manly man. But again, I felt butterflies in my stomach. 

She stared at me, expecting an answer.

"I-it's my brother's..." My voice cracked embarrassingly. "And I fell on the rat after I saw..."

I motioned to the body. The woman held the lamp over it, revealing the mangled body of a young girl. She appeared to be my age. But she was deathly pale, as if there wasn't a single drop of blood in her body. And I'm sure this was an accurate assessment, considering the large pool of blood under her. 

My eyes snapped back to the group as a woman shrieked out. She looked older, middle aged, and short. The short woman fell to her knees and sobbed, cradling the body of the dead girl. 

I observed the rest of the group, hoping one of them would step in and comfort her. But the others just stood there, heads drooping to the floor like they were mourning as well.

Since no one else was comforting the poor woman, I approached her slowly and placed a hand on her shoulder. She swatted it off violently and spat at me. This frightened me, and I fell again, burying the rat's teeth even farther into my ass cheek.

I yelped in pain. But this didn't stop the woman from straddling me and punching me in the head several times, until she was pried off by the others in her group. The blood from my new wounds began mixing with the already present shit in my hair, creating a disgusting cocktail of bodily fluids on my face. 

"Stop it! Brutalizing the newbie won't bring her back!" The woman in charge barked.

The short woman only hissed in response. Their altercation was cut short, however, when another man in the group spoke up. He sounded afraid.

"Wait, I think I hear something..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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