The Manor in the Woods

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On one side of the stream was my family and everything I had ever known, and on the other a dark forest, with a dimly lit pathway to God-knows-where.


I picked the forest.


The path, if it could even be called that, was a narrow clearing in a dense forest. And the further I followed it, the darker it seemed to get. The sun was completely hidden by trees.

Where does this path even lead?

After what seemed like hours of walking through the dark, I was met with a gate. A large, metal gate, like something you'd see in front of Dracula's castle. In the center of the gate was a skull-shaped padlock, and I stupidly touched it. While I didn't get tetanus, I did cause the gate to fly open, revealing a shriveled up garden that looked like it hadn't seen the light of day in years.

Ah, how inviting...

The gate alone sent a shiver through my spine, but the manor it protected nearly made me wet myself. It was massive in size and was guarded by fearsome gargoyle statues that sat on gothic spires. Even Mother Nature seemed to be scared of the house, as the house was blanketed with dark, gray clouds.

Maybe I should turn around? *Can* I still turn around?

My stomach rumbled. I hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours...

There must be food in the house, right?

At least, that's what I figured. I took a deep breath and took shaky steps down the cobblestone path leading to the hall. Like the rest of the manor, the doors were large and extravagant. There was a golden door knocker with an intricate design. It was a triangle with rubies. It looked like...

A pizza? That's weird.

I touched the door knocker, fingering the grooves of the gemstones. I felt...strangely drawn to it. Honestly, I felt drawn to the whole manor. But before I could put the door knocker to use, the door creaked open. It was somehow colder inside than it was outside.

Unsurprisingly, the entrance was lavishly decorated. There was a grand staircase in the middle of the room, which was well lit. The chandelier was not powered by electricity and instead held dozens of candles.

All these candles and it's still so cold...

There was a light coming from a connecting room. I followed it and found a cozy but luxurious sitting room. Whoever these people were, they were loaded. The fireplace was lit and a book sat open on the arm of the chair.

Someone is here! I should go...

As I turned to leave, I noticed something familiar. There was a massive bookshelf next to the door, and right in the center was my favorite book to read as a child. The one I just lost with my treehouse...

My heart sunk, remembering that I had nowhere to go now.

Maybe I could stay a little longer.

I ran my fingers over the spine of the book, feeling the grooves of the writing in the leather. Before I could pull it out, I felt a hand pulling me back.

"You shouldn't touch things that aren't yours."

I recognized the voice immediately as the one from the treehouse.

"You!" I spun around and was met with a girl. She had yellow hair (yellow, not blonde) and strangely yellow skin.

"I heard your voice earlier. What were you doing in my treehouse?!" I questioned the stranger.

She didn't look human. Somewhat robotic, rather... She had blood red eyes and hair and skin the color of cheese. She wore a...bib? that read "Let's Eat!" and had a geometrical pattern, as if it were something from the 1980s. What a strange character!

She let out a eerie giggle that sent shivers down my spine...and gave me butterflies.

Huh?! I've never felt this way before...

But before I could relish in this new sensation, I was hit upside the head with something cold and blunt. My world went black...

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