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Pov: Rachell
The wedding ceremony lasted around 30 minutes. Throughout the ceremony, I occasionally glanced at Citrine. She didn't seem to be paying attention and seemed to be lost in her thoughts.
After the ceremony ended, there was a cocktail hour. We all went to the outdoor area of the venue where there was drinks and hors d'oeuvres. I talked for a bit with Citrine before going to converse with some family members. I occasionally glanced at Citrine before realizing that I was probably being weird. Why was I so obsessed with her? Sure she was nice and pretty and... okay maybe I am kind of into her. Not like it matters, I doubt she likes me. Even if she did, she wouldn't want to date someone she met at her cousins wedding, so it didn't matter.
I continued to talk to my family and some of the guests at the wedding, until the bride and groom came in. Almost everybody went to congratulate and talk to them. I talked with my brother and his wife for a while. Amber seemed pretty sweet and I can tell my brother really likes her. I'm happy for him.
We talked for a bit before he went to go talk to our mom, leaving me alone with Amber and her family. As soon as he left, Amber turned towards me, "Leave Citrine alone." "What?" I asked, bewildered. "You're not that subtle. We see the way you look at her. The last thing we need is someone encouraging her... lifestyle choices." Erica said, looking at me coldly. I didn't know what to say. I just nodded my head silently and walked away.
I went over to the bar to get a drink. I needed to clear my mind after that, well I wouldn't really call it a conversation, whatever that was with Citrine's mom and Amber. It annoyed me that my brother would marry someone like that. When she was talking with my brother it seemed like she had a completely different personality. I could tell her love for my brother was genuine though, so that's good at least.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize Citrine had came up to me until she started talking. "Hey. Are you okay? What did my mother say to you?" She asked with genuine concern. I guess I must have looked upset. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine. We were just making small talk." I said, trying to keep my voice steady. I guess I didn't do that good of a job, because she responded with "You're a shit liar. Come on, let's get out of here." "Where are we going?" I asked, but she had already left. I started to follow her. "Citrine?" I called out. "I don't know, just follow me. Call me Cyd, by the way."
We left the wedding venue and Citrine reassured me that we'd be back in time for the reception. We walked around the area that the wedding venue was located until we arrived at a park. It was a nice grass field with trees and flowers and a river that went through the middle with a bridge to get over. Cyd walked over to a tree with a low hanging branch and sat on it. I followed and did the same. "So, you want to tell me what my mom said that upset you?" She asked, looking me and tapping me lightly on the shoulder. I sighed and said "She told me to stop talking to you. I think she thinks I'm into you. Or you're into me." "Don't listen to her. She's still in denial about my sexuality and thinks that I'll just 'get over it' someday." Cyd said with a frown. I really want to kiss her until she stops frowning. "That must suck. She told me that I was 'encouraging your lifestyle choices'." I said and Cyd laughed. "She still thinks that I was manipulated into being gay. I still don't know who manipulated me into being gay in her mind. I don't even know if she knows herself." She was smiling now and the urge to kiss her got stronger.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked, before immediately blushing and looking away. I can't believe I just said that. What if I made her uncomfortable? What if she hates me now? I mean, we barely know each other but maybe we could have became friends. I decide to look at her to gage how badly I messed up, and to my surprise, she was smiling at me. Before I could say anything, she kissed me.

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