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Pov: Rachell
"And then my friend told me that he saw her with Zack at a bar, so I knew for sure she was lying..." One of my brother's friend's voice went on in the background as I zoned out. I looked over at Citrine. I really wanted to go talk to her, but I didn't want to cause any issues with my brother's new in-laws.
After a while of pretending to listen to whatever story my brother's friend was saying, I decided that it didn't matter what they thought. For all they knew, we could just be friends, which isn't entirely inaccurate as I'm still not sure what we are. I politely excused myself from the conversation and went to sit next to Cyd.
"Hey," She smiled at me as I sat down. "Hi, how's it going?" I asked, taking her hand in mine. "Decent." She sighed, leaning her head against my shoulder. "Seemed like you were having fun talking to that guy over there." She said sarcastically, obviously having seen my boredom while talking to him. "Ugh don't get me started," I said with a laugh, "He wouldn't stop talking about how he caught his girlfriend cheating on him. It's like it's the only interesting thing that's ever happened to him." "At least you didn't have to listen to Jeremy's pathetic attempt at flirting." She said, pointing to a guy in his mid-20s who I assumed was Jeremy. I felt myself get a little jealous at the thought of someone else flirting with her, even though I knew I shouldn't.
We talked for a few more minutes before everyone started going to their seats for dinner. I was sat next to my mother and my cousin, pretty far away from where Citrine was sitting. She was sitting next to Jeremy, who I could tell was trying to hit on her.
While eating, I talked with my family and some of my brother's friends and looking over at Cyd every once in a while. Jeremy had stopped hitting on her and was now talking with the guy who was sitting next to him.
The dinner ended and everyone did their toasts and dance music started playing again. Jeremy had started hitting on Cyd again and I felt my jealousy grow. I wanted to go over there and make sure she was okay and that he wasn't making her uncomfortable, but I knew she could take care of herself and I didn't want to make a scene.
I started a conversation with my uncle and we talked for a while. At some point, he left to go talk with my mother. I look towards where Citrine was, hoping to be able to talk with her for a bit, but she wasn't there. In fact, she didn't seem to be in the room at all. I assumed she was just in the bathroom or something and went to talk with my brother. Throughout the wedding, our relationship grew stronger and we got to know each other better. At first, I couldn't understand why he was suddenly being so much nicer to me, but he told me that he wanted to have a better relationship with me and he apologized for being an asshole in the past. I guess marriage changes people.
My brother left to go dance with his wife, and I went to go get another drink. "Ugh I wish Jeremy would just leave me alone for 5 minutes, but no, he has to be a persistent prick who won't take a fucking hint." Came Citrine's voice from behind me. "He sounds like he sucks. Is he always this bad?" I ask as I turn around to face her, frowning sympathetically. "Sometimes. I think he sees this as his last chance since he probably won't see me again for a while after this. He was this bad in high school, then he calmed down a bit and now he's back to how he was before." She said, breathing in deeply. "Come on, let's go sit down." I said as I lead her to some empty chairs. We sit down and she takes another deep breath. "He tried to kiss me. He's never done that before. I wasn't even leading him on or anything." Cyd said, looking down and fidgeting with her fingers. I pull her into a hug, not really knowing what to say. She wraps her arms around my neck, relaxing in my arms, before pulling away and saying "I need a drink." I offer her my drink and we talk until the cake cutting.

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