Take XXXIX [M]

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(Boys outfits for the premiere since they didn't made an appearance in last chapter and they do in this one so decided to show what they are wearing here!! also play the song during smut for vibes😁👍 again smut would start at "☆☆☆☆☆" and will go till the end of the chapter so skip when you see stars if you don't want to read it )

"First of all,I would like to thank everyone of you who showed up to he premiere of 'still with you'. Especially the cast and all the other staff that helped me so we can make this movie happen. I want to thank all of you for your hardwork because without you all,this plan would have gone to waste" Namjoon started his speech as everyone was sitting down. The bug screen behind him. he decided to give a little speech before the movie starts just to welcome everyone.

"when I first thought of concept of the movie,I thought it was not going to work. No one would be willing to work with me on this project because the main couple was a homosexual couple. This movie purpose was to put light on the things LGBTQ+ community have to suffer just because they have a bit different opinion then everyone else. I won't sugar coat it, South Korea is a homophobic country,there are people who would support you but the one who have the Higher position don't agree with that. I won't name anyone but I had multiple people reject on me for this project just because I was not following their heteronormative agenda. I almost gave up until my bestfriend Min Yoongi talked me through it and decided to help. So thanks for that one" Namjoon pointed at Yoongi who looked down flustered as everyone was clapping for him.

"Then Kim Taehyung himself decided to be other main lead as someone who is himself very open about Sexuality and knows the struggles I knew I chose the right person for it. All the other great people came in this project and we were all able to make it happen. We spend a lot of days on this,even in our hard days, we were on the set. I still remember Sooyoung telling me how much this movie means to her,how much it helped her being confident in her sexuality and love her Fiancé unconditionally. It made me think how many more people I can help. A normal person who is struggling right now could find themselves with the help of the romantic story of Jiwon and Taehyun. I hope after this,we could be more open to more movies with the same concept. I hope people like me and you don't have to hide our true selves anymore. I hope we are able to speak for ourselves confidentially. Thank you,I hope you enjoy the movie" Namjoon finished off his speech,the whole room bursted in claps and cheers for the director.

Some even found themselves crying because of how emotional they felt already. Jeongguk took Taehyung hands in his and kissed his palm.

Taehyung looked at him with the fond look was going to saying something when the lights were suddenly off and the screen infront of them lit up. The movie was starting.

The movie ended and Jeongguk never left Taehyung's hand. The whole movie was absolutely beautiful. From the way the story of these two boys was portrayed to the the beautiful way it was shot. It was perfection. Everyone felt sentimental Especially after the heartfelt confession scene in the end which is so amazing.

'Still With You' was probably the best movie Jeongguk and Taehyung have done. It didnt only contain a strong message but it also brought these two together. They might have never found each other if it wasn't for this movie so ofcourse they are very grateful for that.

Once Everyone was getting up to head out, almost everyone came to the couple and congratulated them and complimented their act in the movie. It felt amazing to be praised this much. It was not only them but the whole cast including directors producers just being cornered by people telling them how great it was. They know this is a successful project and can't wait to see where this movie will take them.

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