chapter 1

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Izuku was now going to his new school -----(i don't know the name but it's tge same one ida went to also momo and someone else will be there) and got inside and sae the homeroom teacher of his class.

Teach: ah izuku midoriya follow me i'm you're homeroom teacher ----.(you name her)

As izuku followed her to the class she told him to stay outsids until she calls him in.

Teach: settle down now class we will be having a new student joining us come in.

Izuku went inside and looked around.

I: hi my name is izuku midoriya.

???: man of few words i see.

???: stop it rina.

Rina: alright you never let me have my fun.

???: hey what's you're quirk.

I: my quirk is called 'sh** i didn't think this through' stockpile i can stockpile energy through out my body and it encreases my strength and speed aswell as my reflex time.

Teach: alright that is enough now midoriya you can sit next too...ah amai Shinseki.

Izuku nodded and went next to amai and sat down and the teacher started the lesson.


Izuku sat down at a launch table alone.

I: just like aldera.

Then someone sat down next to him he had blue hear and wore glasses.

???: hello i thought that introduction's are in ordsr my name is tenya ida.

I: hi ida name's izuku midoriya...well this is awkward.

Id: what is?

I: this because of my quirk'lessness' nobody gave slight attention even my family and here you are talking to me it's just awkward and i have nothing to talk about.

Id: hmm well i don't like meddling in someones life it isn't very hero like.

I: well sometimes a hero has to meddle in something that he shouldn't meddle in.

Id: you are right but sometimes a hero should follow the rules.

I: well is watching a defenceless kid get beat up because his quirk didn't manifest until he was a teen count as a rule. was you right?

I:........yeah i would always get beat up because my quirk didn't manifest until a month ago when i got out of my coma.

Id: coma?

I: well my real dad found me on the brink of death in an alley and took me to a doctor that was a friend of his and the doctor healed me but i was in a coma for a year so i skipped second year completely i don't sven know why i'm telling you this but thank's for talking with me ida.

Id: i'm glad that you feel better.

I: thanks anyhow we gotta finish launch before thw bell rings.

Id: oh i forgot.

Timeskip after school.

Izuku was walking out with ida talking about various things.

And whem they reached the station they both got on the same train and walked the same rought and saw that their houses were close to eachother......they were neighbours after that revalation izuku got home and saw his dad waiting for him.

H: izuku sit down.

I: what is it dad?

Izuku sat down on the chair and was scared a little he never saw his dad this serious.

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