Chapter six: Twinky

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Samuel Barkley knew Annabeth Prewett like the back of his hand. He knew her strengths, her weaknesses, and everything in between.

So, when she walked back into Potions wearing a robe that was three sizes too big for her, he lost his mind.

Annabeth walked into the classroom with her head down when she heard a whistle from across the room. Looking up, she saw James Potter smirking at the duo.

She looked over to her best friend and saw his jaw dropped. She shook her head as in a way of saying " please don't ask" but that wouldn't stop him.

" Ahhh, professor," groaned Sam, " I think I cut my
finger... ow, hurts so bad"

Sam's acting skills were awful, Annabeth couldn't help but roll her eyes

"Would you like to see Madame Pomfrey?" questioned Slughorn, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

" Yes, please. Oh the pain, the pain. I need assistance so I don't die on the way" exclaimed Sam

" Very well then, Mr. Longbottom, please escort" Slughorn was cut off by Sam.

"No! I need Annabeth to take me, she has to hear my
dying words" he said, a sob coming from his mouth.

Slughorn slowly nodded his head as Annabeth grabbed Sam by the ear, dragging him out.

" What on earth was that?!" she said as she nearly
peed her pants from laughter

" Had to find a way to ask you why you're wearing Mr. Lupin's robe" he said with a wink

Annabeth instantly stopped laughing and turned her head.

" This old thing? Didn't even notice." she stuttered

" You naughty, naughty girl. Did you shag?" Sam practically screamed

" No! Merlin, no. Get your head out of the gutter. I didn't have another to wear" she quickly responded

" Ugh, that's boring. Come along," he groaned as he dragged the girl down the hall.

" Where are you taking me? Please don't throw me
off the Astronomy Tower" said Annabeth, acting as scared as she could.

Sam rolled his eyes and stopped in front of a portrait of a pear.

" Um... what?" questioned Annabeth

Sam smirked at the girl then tickled the pair until it opened, revealing the kitchen.

Annabeth's eyes became the size of saucers as she saw house elves rushing around and smelt all her favorite foods.

" Since we skipped breakfast, I thought we should eat" said Sam with a shrug of his shoulders.

The girls mind was blown, why has she never seen this before?

Lost in her own thoughts, she accidentally stepped on something.

" Im so sorry! Are you okay?!" exclaimed Annabeth

" Twinky is fine. Miss Prewett must not apologize " said the elf, looking up at Annabeth with big, glossy eyes.

Annabeth could have been mistaken but she thought she saw a glimpse of fear behind Twinky's eye.

" No it was my fault, I do need to apologize. Are you sure you're okay?" asked Annabeth, crouching down to Twinky's height.

Twinky had never been talked to with such care or love. Her eyes began to water and before she could stop it, she was crying.

Annabeth didn't waste a second before she was wiping the elves face dry.

" Dont cry, it's okay. I'm sorry if I hurt you" cooed Annabeth to Twinky.

" Miss Prewett did not hurt Twinky. Twinky has never been cared for" said Twinky in-between sobs.

Annabeth's heart broke at the scene. She hated seeing the elf cry but was glad it wasn't from pain.

" Well, I care about you," she said to Twinky, " I care about all of you" she shouted, now addressing all the house elves.

Before she could process it, 10 different elves were at her feet, talking at once.

" Would Miss Prewett like to stay?"

" Lola has never been spoke to"

" Pie?"

Annabeth giggled to herself as she tried to respond to them all, until she heard a voice from behind her.

" Wow, they don't even like me this much" said Sam

" Oops, forgot you were here" laughed Annabeth

Annabeth and Sam spent the remainder of their class period sitting in the kitchens with the house elves. Annabeth had a brand new respect for the lovely creatures.


Before she knew it, Annabeth was heading to the Great Hall for lunch. Not that she was hungry anyways, Twinky had made sure of that.

As she walked into the hall, she saw the faces of many mad Slytherins.

" Oh no" muttered Annabeth

Fabian and Gideon ran over to their sister and pulled her behind a banister

" Apparently the snakes didn't like bathing with another reptile" said Gideon, faking his shock.

Annabeth snickered to herself as she saw Slytherin girls crying while pulling frogs out of their hair and many complaining of the fireworks damaging their hearing.

" Oh my Merlin, it actually worked" laughed Annabeth, slapping her brothers on the back.

The trio quietly made their way to the Gryffindor table and watched from afar.

The Marauders seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it, knowing that the twins were the only ones who could have pulled it off.

" How'd you do it?!" exclaimed James as they approached the siblings

" A magician never reveals their secrets" said Fabian

" You're not a magician, you're a wizard" replied Gideon

" They're the same thing to muggles, you idiot" snapped Fabian

Annabeth sat back and laughed at the twins she loved dearly.

Ever since she was a little girl, she had admired the twins. The way they used their voice for what they believed in and how they never backed down to a fight. She wanted to be just like them.

While Annabeth laughed, Remus stood silently. Admiring the way her burning red hair flowed behind her as she threw her head back. The way her freckles seemed to make up constellations in themselves, she was perfect.

Which is exactly why a monster like him could never have her.

He was afraid he'd damage that soft, clear skin he loved to touch, even if only for a second. Or he'd be the reason her roars of laughter turned into heartbreaking sobs.

Annabeth knew nothing of his lycanthropy and he hoped she never would.

But fate isn't always on our side.

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