Chapter eighteen: Lost friends

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Annabeth awoke in an unfamiliar place.

She felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist as she moved slightly

She turned her head around was met with a sleeping Remus

Annabeth smiled to herself as she heard the soft snoring of the scarred boy.

He was beautiful.

Annabeth laid still in an attempt to not wake Remus but that failed as soon as she sneezed

Remus stirred and slowly opened his eyes and saw nothing but red hair.

Annabeth slowly turned over and their noses were touching, breathe mixing together

" Good morning" said Annabeth, shyness peaking through

" Morning" responded Remus with a smile

Annabeth couldn't help but run her fingers through his tangled brown locks

The pair sat in silence, gazing in each other's eyes for what felt like hours.

" So, we leave for holidays in a few days" whispered Annabeth

" Yes, that is true" laughed Remus

" I was just wanting to make sure you still wanted to come home with me" said Annabeth, embarrassed

Remus pulled Annabeth in closer to him, giving her his answer.

" Wakey, wakey" sang James as he jumped onto the bed

Remus and Annabeth groaned in unison as the boys weight crushed their legs.

James crawled his way up in between the pair and made himself comfortable, slinging an arm on them both.

" You know, you really do suffer from bedhead" said James, facing Annabeth

Annabeth's cheeks went red as she attempted to jump up to run to the bathroom, but was stopped by James.

" Hey! I didn't dismiss you" said the boy, a pout on his lip

The commotion awoke Sirius who was absolutely not a morning person.

" What the bloody hell is going on?!" shouted Sirius, frustration evident in his voice

" Come on, Padfoot! Join the cuddles" smiled James

Sirius looked over at the bed and slowly got up and made his way over.

He plopped himself down onto Annabeth and snuggled his face into her neck

Annabeth found it hilarious but Remus did not.

" Oi, you'll suffocate her" muttered Remus, trying to hide his jealousy

" Is Moony actually jealous? Perfect little Moony has a green side?" laughed James hysterically

Annabeth was rubbing her hand up and down Sirius's back as Remus and James bickered.

Looking up, she saw a sleepy Peter making his way over.

Annabeth waved her hand at him, signaling him to lay by her.

" Mornin' Peter" smiled the girl as Peter lay beside her

" Mornin'" yawned Peter as he lay his head on top of hers.

" How'd you sleep, mate?" questioned Sirius, his voice muffled into her neck

Peter went in-depth about a dream he had which consisted of magical creatures chasing him through a desert.

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