gigi dare (love ya girl ^^)

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gigi: I dare the bottoms to wear maid dresses in front of the tops

(bottom)zander: j-jake kun~

(top)jake: Z-ZANDER

(bottom)zoey: hmph

(top)lia: 0///0

(bottom)henry: *blushes*............

(tops)liam and drew: wow..............

(bottom)daisy:  ^^

(top) hailey: GAH!



adriana/me: so luke and sean swich but

luke: really both of us

sean: i look good

adriana/me: yes luke

(now there kids)

(now there kids)

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(if you forgot)

(bottom)savannah: hehe

(top)rose and elisa: wow 0////0

(bottom)bruce: G-GET ME OUT

(top)shadow: no you look cute *kisses bruce* see i can be a good boyfriend

bruce: *smiles*

music freaks Q and A and dares and otherstuff (Q N A OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now