my cousin dare and something my friend made

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my couisn: i dare zander to dance and i sing

zander: ok *dance*

my cus: somebody come get him he's dancing like a stipper

zander: somebody come get him he's dancing like a stipper (forget what cames next)

jake: 0///0

the others plus me, rae, gigi,cat-con, and my cousin: YAY

my cus: somebody come get him he's dancing like a stipperzander: somebody come get him he's dancing like a stipper (forget what cames next)jake: 0///0the others plus me, rae, gigi,cat-con, and my cousin: YAY

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what my friend made me cus in a rp we're doing i'm a black cat

what my friend made me cus in a rp we're doing i'm a black cat

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and here me

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