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Here's a little warning for all of my more sensitive people. This chapter might trigger you, I'm sorry if it does 💔



"Has anybody gotten any reports on Bambi" I asked, "no" they all said in unison. "Where the fuck did she go" I asked annoyed, "we're trying to find out" Jordan said calmly. "Maybe she went to go see Mike" Cohen suggested, "no, we'd be able to track her and Mike would have said something by now" I replied.

"We're gonna find her, ok" Arria said as she placed a hand on my shoulder, "bu-" she cut me off. "Go to bed you've been up for 48 hours" she cooed, I followed her orders and went to my room. Where could Bambi be, she barely left the house before she was pregnant why would she wanna leave now?

Why couldn't we track her? How did she just disappear? Why did she disappear? Why didn't I stay with her? I could have prevented this whole thing. I could have helped. I could have stopped all of this. I started beating myself up even though I knew there was nothing I could really do.

Everything happens for a reason.


I was in so much pain. And the worse part was that I don't think  Kobe was  anywhere close to done yet. He'd been going at this for hours and it started getting dark out. I screamed and clawed at Kobe as I tried to get him to pull out. His solution to this was handcuffing my hands behind my back.

"I'm sorry" I screamed as he rammed into me mercilessly, he threw his head back and moaned completely ignoring my begging. I screamed, cried, kicked, and even tried to wiggle away but there was no use. I lay there defeated, I felt his dick twitch he looked me in my eyes.

"What if I didn't pull out of your pretty little pussy" he smirked, "no, please, please pull out" I screamed. "I don't know... or baby would look cuter than Kulture" he said as he caressed my body, I started screaming at the top of my lungs hoping someone somewhere would hear.

Kobe kept going and then he pulled out last minute covering me in more of his disgusting cum. He smiled at me, I looked at his dick and seen red. I was bleeding, he fucked me 'til I bled.

"I'm fucking bleeding" I yell as I use all of my might to push him, "don't fuck with me Starr because I'll make you bleed more" he seemed pleased. That was possible, I was able to bleed more? There was so much blood I couldn't believe it. I started bawling my eyes out even more.

Kobe pulled out his phone and started taking pictures of me, he was sick. "I fucking hate you, you should rot in hell" I screamed as I tried kicking him, "I'm already going there sweetheart" he chuckled. He was recording me, I hated him with a new burning passion.

"I hope Mike finds me and kills you onc-" he grabbed my neck and squeezed, "you know once you go 4 minutes without air you go brain dead" he said nonchalantly. My lungs burned and black circles dotted my vision, I clawed at his hand wildly.

He enjoyed it, this sick son of a bitch enjoyed it. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door Kobe applied a little more force and then finally let go and pulled on his boxers before opening the door. I couldn't support my body anymore I fell back into the bed. "I- um I-I think it's time for Kulture to fed" Talyeh stuttered as she looked at my limp body on the bed.


Was she dead? No, she was breathing hard. There was blood stains on the white sheets and dripping down her legs. I didn't want to hand Kulture to Kobe, he might hurt her. "I-I is sh-she alive" I asked, "yeah she's just being dramatic" Kobe said as he took the fussy baby from me.

I continued to look at Bambi's poor cum and blood covered body. I felt so bad, a tear slipped down my cheek at the thought of the pain she was in. Kobe looked at me and then back at poor Bambi. What did she ever do to him to deserve this?

"You're staring so you must want to switch positions with her" he smirked as he flicked the tear from my cheek, "nononono I don't wish to switch positions with her" I said quickly. I couldn't help but stare though, Bambi laid on the bed whimpering in pain.

"If you don't want to switch spots then get the hell out of here" he slammed the door in my face. "Get the hell up" Kobe yelled, I could hear movement but I guess Bambi wasn't successful with getting up because I heard the sound of a belt and I heard it hit her skin she started crying harder.

My heart hurt, I could almost feel her pain. Wait that's stupid I could never feel something like that, that's real pain. What he's doing is gonna traumatize her.


"Get the he'll up" I demanded, Bambi whimpered as she tried to sit up right. She fell back down, she was being over dramatic I wasn't gonna pity her. I picked up my belt and swung it at her, it hit her across her face. I swung it again and again until I had enough.

The belt repeatedly hit her face or somewhere on her chest causing her body to jerk or flinch once the belt hit her. I threw it down and then gave her the same orders this time she shook as she tried to get up, she leaned back on her elbows as she breastfed Kulture.

After a while Kulture fell asleep and Starr collapsed onto her back and started to drift away. I shrugged I put my clothes in the dirty clothes hamper and then I took a shower. After I got out I put on some pants and then cuddled up in the bed beside Starr.


Guys we do not support liars *cough cough dontbesuspiciousss cough cough* huh ian say nun ☺️

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