After the infinite tsukuyomi, Kaguya had finally decided that he would rule over this planet with his children.
However that was not all, as it turns out she had not forgotten about her past relations, manly involving his bloodline. The one individual among these bloodline who she was hoping to rid this world of completely, and that was the one who accompanied her to this planet, and it was Isshiki Otsutsuki.
In order to prepare for his return, he decided to slowly sacrifice people to the divine tree, in order to make them into white Zetsu, who will aid her in the battle against him.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the tree needed to absorb the life energy of the entire planet to do so. This meant that vegetation would decrease.
Now, the residents that live closer to Kaguya did not see those consequences, as they lived close to the tree, where nature energy was highly concentrated.However, the outskirts of the land of ancestors had a different story to tell.
The outskirts of the land were completely devastated, due to the gigantic root that kept sucking the life out of everything. This could be felt and seen by the people who live there.
The people in that area depended on agricultyre to survive, but the situations faced by the land just made things harder. Crops were scarce. There was barely any rainfall and the soil was nearly infertile.
They were times when harvest actually happened, and even then, the harvest would bring great sickness to those who ate of it. A sickness that in the end would result in death. Among the residence of these areas lies 9-year-old Y/N and his younger brother, a 7-year-old Y//N.
The two boys were on a farm, going to harvest anything from their land, anything at all, as long as it was enough to sooth their sick mother's hunger it was fine.
Y/N finaly found what looked like a carrot shoot. His younger brother wasn't blessed with observant eyes, even though he was much more of an intellect but luckily, he was. He dug up the shoot to reveal what looked like a carrot.
The two were happy that they had found at least something. So without hesitation, they ran back to their home, carrying the purple carrot back home to feed their mother.
When they got there, they are met with devastating news. As they went close to their mother's sickbed. And pulled open the blanket that covered her face, they were saddened as they had found out that their mother had moved on.
Y//N P..O.V
I am scared, I am so scared, I do not know what to do. This is the third death that my family has seen. First, it was our little baby sister, then our father, and now, it is our mother.
I had no idea what to do, I sat there mourning, while my brother was trying to put up a strong face for me. Inside, I could tell that he was also heartbroken by our mother's sudden death.
"Stop crying already Y//N, both of us know right now that it's never helped anybody, so why do it in the first place"
Y/N said coldly.
With that, I wiped off my tears, not out of encouragement, but our of the fact that crying would only make me a nuisance, and being nuisance at this point would only make me useless.
"But what do we do, or mother is dead, along with everyone we loved. "
Y/N didn't know how to answer that question, at least not yet. He decided to exit the house, leaving me to grieve alone.
My mind was left blank at this point, I had lost all hope in this world z and the only thing I had left was death, perhaps joining my dead family wouldn't be so bad, I thought.

An Eye For An Eye
FanfictionThis is the story of two normal children adopted by the rabbit goddess herself, later bestowing visual powers upon them with the hopes that they will someday help him fight off Isshiki. Just in case her own sons couldn't. That's not the full summar...