2. Blue eyes

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"I'm home!" I shouted and closed the door behind me.
"Hi darling!" My mom said from the living room.
I hung up my white jacket then I walked in to see my mom.
"How was school?" My mom sat in the couch reading some magazine.
"Fine" I smiled
My mom was so pretty. She was pretty even without the hair, and with her wheelchair and the tubes in her arms, and without it ofcourse.
And oh, I forgot to tell you. My mom has Cancer.
"Where did you go?" She said
"We went to pick up some food" I replied and went to my room. I jumped over the big mess to my bed.
I turned on my computer and started watching a movie on netflix.
I love frozen, and I love Disney movies. You're never to old for Disney, even though everybody else thinks you're crazy.
"I called Trish" my mom opened my door a little.
Trish is Luke's mom
"What did she say?"
"You can stay with them when I'm at the hospital" mom smiled and took a slow step in to my room.
"Oh, you're going back" I said, but I didn't want her to hear it.
"I'm sorry Carly, it's not my decision to make"
"It's okay mom, really"
"Thanks sweetie" mom smiles carefully.
I think about this thing I've wanted to ask my mom for a while. And I wondered if this was the right time.
"Mom can I... Can I follow Luke to this party tonight please" I said and closed my eyes, hoping for the right answer
"Carly, no. You're only 16 I don't want you to go out like that yet"
I frowned
"But mom please, Luke can go out whenever he wants" I said and looked at her with those eyes she can't resist.
"Luke is 17, he's older than you"
" it's only a year!"
"My answer is no"
"Dad would've say yes" i say, carefully.
"You don't know your dad" she says and I could see that she was about to cry.
"Neither do you"

I didn't think I would say that. I didn't meant to. I really didn't want to hurt her.

I've never met my dad.
Mom met some guy when she was in Spain 16 years ago, and when she got home she was pregnant.
I haven't searched him up either. Mom didn't even know his name.
Plus, I hate him. My mom had called him so many times when she got me. And he didn't care.
So, I don't care about him.
When mom dies in cancer I will live with Trish, she is my godmother.
Sure, it will be really awkward with Luke and all, but she is like my other mother.
Mom looks at me with a disappointing look.
"Mom I'm s..."
"No Carly. I don't want to hear it" she says, and closes the door.

"You know, I really like your hair" Luke says and touches my brown wavy hair.
"Mhm" I says, I'm not sure if that was a compliment.
"Can I cut it off" he says and I can hear scissors behind me.
" No, you idiot!" I scream and turn around, and I hit Luke with me elbow. Right at his nose.
"Aouch!" He screams and he jumped a step back.
"Oh god! I'm sorry!" I laugh and I take Luke's hand to help him found his balance.
Luke starts laughing with me and we both fall to the ground.
And I fall right to his arms.
I looked up at him and I saw his blue beautiful eyes.
And that was when I realised.
I want Luke to be more than a friend.

I wrote this so fast in math class lol. It's really short but yeah, next chapter will be longer and better than these two I've already posted. And I'm SO SORRY about my English lol. I try, at least.
And I don't know if I will continue with this story. This is kinda based on my real life (Not with Luke lol)
And um yeah I don't like him anymore so... I don't know.

Bed of lies //a Luke Hemmings fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now