Daisy field

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***Summer POV***

I didn't know we're I was going but I didn't care I wanted to explore this place I was in the woods I saw a clearing a little bit up and went to it.

when I saw what it was it was a field full of daisy I went to the middle of it
It was beautiful I sat down letting my mind wonder soon I felt someone sit next to me

I didn't look cause I knew it was Collin by his scent " why you leaved" he said looking at me I didn't look back I was looking at the sky and it was so breath taking i lobe it here
"I left because you never asked me to stay" i said turning my head to look at him his green eyes mat mines he smile when I was looking at him

" I'm sorry about yesterday I could be over protective " he said looking up at the sky " it's ok " I said he look down at me and smile

Then he thru him self at me and hug me. we fell laying down I laugh at his stupidness I hug him back so tightly I never wanted to let go

He was on top of me I look at his face and he was starring back at me I smile and he smile back we were like this for awhile looking at each other then he started leaning in his lip touch my lips moving them in sync

Sparks we're running up my whole body I love this feeling when we both stop to breath he had the most cutest smile I peak his lips one more time before getting up

He grab my hand leading me to the pack house (picture on the side of the daisy field)


When we got to the pack house Collin look at me and smile. I returned the smile he's so cute

We enter the house and some of the pack members were watching tv or talking with other. Collin and I went up stairs it was already noon and needed to practice my elements

We enter Collin bedroom " so we're did you sleep last night" I ask Collin he look at me " one of the guests room" he said I felt bad not letting him in last night

We were in Collin room I sat in his bed he sat next to me He was so hard to reediest I lean in and kiss him he lay me down and we kiss me for what felt like hours

" Collin we-" Zack came thru the door I push Collin away and sat up this is to embarrassing "sorry I could come back later" Zack said

"No I was about to go down stairs " Collin said getting up " what's wrong" Collin ask Zack " we found a rouge in are territory and he only keeps saying that war coming " Zack explain I knew it my mother was right but how am I going to no the exact date of the war or how many of them are going to attack

"I'll be back" Collin said " no I want to come" I said he hade a concern look but then he grab my hand and took me with him

Zack was leading the way we went out the house and we walk a little bit and came to what looks like a tuner and there were guards guarding the place

They bow there heads when they saw us coming they unlock the doors letting us in there were a lot of prisoners lock up in cell

We went to the Very last cell I couldn't see the man cause Zack and Collin were blocking me I could only hear him repeat his words "war is coming and you can't stop him" he repeated who him what does he want?

"What war" Collin ask he just repeated what he said I push Zack so I could see the man when I saw him he look like one of those bum you see in the street maybe in his thirties

" Who's he " I ask he look up at me
" He's looking for her she the most powerful wolf there is but he's making rouge join his pack to defeat her " he said ok maybe I should start practicing my element more to be more prepare

" Who's she" Zack ask out of nowhere
The man kept looking at me " she the AVATAR and the last White wolf " he said Collin and Zack gasp ok maybe I shouldn't of come

" You need to find her she the only one that can save us " he said then he sat back and started to repeat his word

Collin led me out Zack right behind us
" We need to find her" Collin said he look at Zack " how" Zack answer back

" we got to call the other packs to let them know" callin was now walking to to the pack house " summer come" he said extending his are for me I grab


I know it's boring but I was in class writing this so

And I think that every teacher talks crap especially history i always ask the teacher why do we need to know about the past if we're going forward not backwards.

He always end up saying cause we need to then hand me a pick pass saying I have to go to the principal official for talking stupid stuff in front of the class but I get happy cause I don't get to stay in his class for long

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