Angelica and me

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**Summer POV**

The next day I woke up early to practice, Collin was still sleeping I smile while I look at him

He look so peaceful as I make my way to the door I close it slowly I walk down the hall when I saw angelica siting down in the living room why is she down here?

"Hey " I said she look up and smile
" hey " she said " what you're doing up so early?" I ask

"I couldn't sleep idk why" she replied "what about you why you're up so early " she said looking at me

" you know practice " I said and look around she nodded understanding what I meant

"Can I come with you plzzz " she beg me well it would be fun if she came along I actually need company

"Sure lets go " and with that we left to the same spot we met yesterday


" lol this is so fun " angelica said laughing

I was done with some of my practice I froze the lake making it into a skating ring we were skating around

"I think we should head back " I said "K" I heard

"So does Collin know about your powers " she whispered the last part I sigh

Shaking my head no she then stop in front of me " why not " I didn't know Why I haven't told him " I don't know maybe I'm scare to tell him" I said looking at the ground

" but he's your mate " I look up at her " I know but what if he doesn't like me for what I am there's a war coming and not just any war a big one and I'm the only one that can stop it " I said just thinking about it makes my blood boil

" summer Collin will love you no matter what I could tell by the way he looks at you that he loves you a lot and about the war well be standing by your side helping you no matter what " she said

She was right I do have to tell Collin I look back at her and hug her she hug back I'm kinda clad I met angelica I could tell where going to be best friends

"Ok let's go" I said and we started walking to the pack house


Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't update in a while Ik it's short but hey at least I update anyway I'll try to update more often bye

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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