(6) Celeb Status

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Two weeks later 

All three girls got themselves ready for the first day of classes. They all three had a car but they decided to car pool each week. On the way there they stopped for coffee from Starbucks which got some stares from a few teenage girls that asked for their autographs. 

They were use to some attention from back home. But they lived in LA where everyone was use to seeing someone famous. When they arrived at the campus parking lot and began to walk on to campus. Every head turned and a bunch of people began to surround them asking for selfies and autographs. 

"So much for normalcy" Jaylynn said 

They all three smiled at each other. Bucky and his group of friends were coming on to campus. 

"What is all that about?" Bucky said when he saw a big group of people. 

A student walked by from the large group. Natasha stopped them.

"Hey what's going on over there?" Natasha said 

"Jordan Violet Naya Hudson and Jaylynn are students here..you know three of the hottest models!" She said as she walked off. 

"Did she just say.." Sam said 

The crown began to disperse slowly just as the three girls were about to head to the science building the three boys saw their faces. 

"Oh dear god.." Steve whispered

"Fuck.." Sam whispered 

"God damn she looks good.." he said as all three of them turned they heads to the side as the girls walked away. 

"We have lost them." Yelena said to Nat. 

"Yeah we have." Nat said 

"Guys come on..we have classes and a team meeting." Clint said as he smacked his three best friends. 

They all went their separate ways to their classes. All day long the girls were stopped for selfies and autographs. Bucky and their group didn't see them again till lunch at the dining hall which cause them to be zoned out again. 

That night the girls were back at the brownstone making chicken stir fry and talking about the classes they didn't have together. While the boys were just getting to their apartment after football practice. Bucky was in the shower as the hot water fell over him he began to play himself as Jordan came rushing into his mind and her riding him. 

It take him long before he reached his climax. After his shower was over he called his parents and told them about his day. Leaving out the part about Jordan cause his parents cancelled his Sports Illustrated subscription and his sisters magazines when they found a bunch of them under his bed with her in them. 

That weekend since Naya's dad is a former NFL player she loves watching football. So they went to the college's opening game that Saturday. They paid their way in and sat where nobody really could see them. The game started with the announcer presenting the starting line up. 

She went from quickly excited for the game to fear. Naya saw her face. 

"Vi what's wrong?" Naya said 

"The quarterback did he just say James Barnes III." She said 

Naya checked the football roster on the football team's page. "Yeah..why?" Naya said 

"Because that's him. The boy who ruined my life..and half the starting line up was his friends." She said 

She tried to enjoy herself but it was hard when he keep doing things to make the announcer say his name. 

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