Chapter 18: What's ACTUALLY In The Egg

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Daisy was running out of time. She knew it, too. The task was that Friday. It was Monday. She still wanted to throw her egg at the wall. She hadn't seen Cedric in a few weeks, so she didn't know if he had gotten it or not.

Lee had one last theory he thought she should test, his water theory. She knew of a prefect bathroom that was "out of order" on the 5th floor.

"I'll be back," Daisy huffed, storming out of the common room. Fred and George gave each other a concerning look, and they followed her.

"Where are we going?" Fred asked in a sing-song voice.

"I'm going to the prefect bathroom."

"You're not a prefect though, Diggory," George questioned.

"No, I'm not," she stopped in her tracks, "you two can go back to the common room, I'm alright."

They looked at her, then at each other, then back at her, "if you say so," they said in unison.

Daisy continued her walk to the bathroom, and once she got there she turned on the water, and a large portion of the bathroom turned into a large bath. She put down her bag, which contained the egg as well as a notebook, a book on the triwizard tournament, and her wand.

It was cold in the bathroom, shivers went down her spine as she slipped her clothes off and went into the water. She sat there quietly for a while, almost forgetting about the egg and letting herself calm down.

"Whatcha doing?" She heard the giggle of a little girl from somewhere else in the bathroom. Daisy's eyes grew wide, and she went to shovel what was left of the bubbles towards herself in an attempt to cover her up. It worked well enough, but she still considered herself quite exposed.

"Who's there?" she asked, taking her wand out from her bag and pointing it around the bathroom.

"It's only me, silly," she giggled as she popped out of the water about 10 feet away from her.

"Myrtle!" Daisy sighed, putting her wand down as she saw the ghost. Myrtle was a Hogwarts student, she died in the bathroom by the hand of Tom Riddle during her time here. She was odd, that's for sure. But no one wanted to make an enemy out of her, especially when you had to go to the bathroom, "Nearly scared me half to death."

"Oh, well sorry..." she began, moving closer to Daisy, "so, what's the shiny thing?" she looked closely at the egg, "the handsome one brought something like that here..."

"The handsome one?" Daisy thought, Myrtle was known to be a bit of a flirt, she thought everyone was attractive.

"Yeah, don't remember his name... he's a hufflepuff, though," she thought, keeping her eyes on the egg that was clutched closely to Daisy's chest.

"Cedric?" Myrtle nodded, "that's my brother!"

"Explains why you're both so pretty," Myrtle now looked at her.

"Dude, personal space..." Daisy pulled some bubbles back towards her, "I'm naked over here!"

"I don't mind if you don't... hehe," Myrtle laughed, sitting next to Daisy and resting her head on her shoulder.

"I do mind, I'm taken," Daisy shrugged, Myrtle left goosebumps on her skin.

"You do still like girls, don't you...?" Daisy didn't respond, "don't think I forgot when you came in here with that ravenclaw that one time and you two-"

"I'm here for a purpose, if you don't mind," Myrtle frowned at Daisy cutting her off and jumped away, diving into the water near the spot she appeared from.

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