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ship: vsoo

It was a typical day for jisoo as she was just walking at the mall trying to find a dress for the party that she will attend to later.
Meanwhile, taehyung was also at the mall that day because he was finding boxers because the ones he have at home are already old.


"ohh this is actually nice.." jisoo whispered as she was looking on some dress.

"this one's over fancy, i might outstand the birthday girl at her own party so maybe no.." jisoo said at the other dress.

while jisoo was busy picking her dress, the man besides her are busy picking his boxers.

"that girl's voice is kinda familliar.." taehyung actually heared the girl and he was about to look who's beside her when a salesman came to him.

Taehyung have already bought his boxers but he decided to eat lunch at the mall before going home because he's to lazy to cook, he went to jolibee and saw a really familliar girl.

"KIM JISOO??" taehyung almost shouted as he was shocked to saw jisoo again after the woman ghosted her for almost years.


Jisoo was eating her ice cream when a man suddenly shouted her name.

"holy sht taehyung???" she whispered to herself as she remember what she did to the man back then.

taehyung was fast approaching her with a smirking face,

"hi..." she greeted awkwardly.

"So, your still alive huh.." taehyung joked and jisoo got embarrassed.

"Look, i'm sorry i ghosted you but i just really forgot to message you, again..." Jisoo explained.

"looks's like your name isn't ms. ghoster but instead it's ms. forgetful." taehyung said and chuckled while jisoo remained embarrassed.

"yeah whatever.." the girl replied.

"how about we watch a movie after?" Taehyung asked jisoo.

"i mean okay sure, but let's watch something thatms not too long because i'm gonna have to go somewhere after.." Jisoo agreed.

"Okay then let's watch a horror story. I heard that the story is about a ghost and it's nice cause you both have common things together." Taehyung teased.

"i wish you would always be ghosted by other girls, i hate you!" Jisoo answered annoyed.

"oh baby, i ain't gonna be ghosted by other girls anymore cause you're the last." Taehyung smirked as to what he said and jisoo just rolled her eyes.

i'm sorry if it's cringy cause also i myself
get cringe by my works too tbh 😩

But still thanks for reading this, I appreciate it.
(happy 1k reads!!!)

[also please feel free to correct my grammar or some words that i misspelled, i'll be glad if you correct me.]

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