Chapter 1

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This is gifted and dedicated to ImOnlyHereForSmutBi
I write on mobile and have no idea how to dedicate it on mobile. Thank you for always being such an amazing person, friend, and reader. I first met you by reading your fic Deep Blue, and it made my day when you started reading my fics. I loved how you portrayed the characters and your writing style.

Thank you for being wonderful you beautiful person you! I hope you enjoy this rewrite!


Porn made Logan realize things about himself he'd never realized before, such as the fact that he stared at the man's ass more than the woman's. That female moans pissed him off, the high pitched, whiny noise, grating on his ears. He enjoyed the male grunts much more, they always went straight to his dick.

When he was younger, he played it off. It's not the men. I like women. I can't be gay. Dad said I can't be gay, therefore I can't. I'm not. I'm not. He would always think, denying the real reasons why his hand would find it's way into his pants. Lying to himself about who he really imagined while in the moment.

Eventually, around the age of sixteen, Logan realized he was an idiot. He realized he found women unattractive, their moans annoying and gross. Don't get him wrong, he loved women, just not in that way.

He loved their little giggles, their nose scrunches, their senses of humor, their soft hair, the way they always somehow smelled nice. He just didn't love them. When he realized this, he nearly panicked. What's wrong with me? He'd sit in his room, or stand in front of the mirror, asking the same questions over and over again. Am I sick? What's wrong with me? Am I going to Hell? He'd sit in his room, feeling sick and diseased, unclean, sinful.

One day, he visited a church, apologizing profusely and begging for forgiveness. The priest had chuckled softly, rested a hand on his shoulder and said; "Son, God will love you no matter what. He doesn't care if you're gay. He loves all His children equally, and you are no different." Logan had tried to argue, only to be shushed. "Don't listen to men who know nothing of God, they have no right to speak for Him."

After a long discussion, Logan had gone home feeling much lighter than he had before. Feeling much lighter than he does now, shame flown out the window as he stares at the photos of well muscled, oily men in nothing but their underwear, posing with each other. Kissing, touching, caressing, fucking. He almost can't handle how hot he feels.

"You're a pervert." He looks up, smirking softly at his friend sitting at the end of the bed cross legged.

"Am not." He says, setting the magazine aside before grabbing the coke from his nightstand. He pops the cap, setting the bottle opener aside before taking a few good gulps.

"You're so thirsty." She teases, kicking his leg playfully as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Ow!" He hisses, rubbing his leg while offering her a glare.

"Oh shut up." She laughs, grabbing her own coke off the floor before kicking at him again.

He laughs softly as he moves his legs, shaking his head as he hides the magazine in a slit on his bed, quickly covering it with his blankets for extra security.

"Logan! Calamity! Get down here!" Elias's voice booms from downstairs.

"He knows." Cala teases, bumping his arm as they leave his room. Making their way down the hall, they race each other down the stairs, nearly falling halfway down due to their wrestling.

"Logan. Cala." Elias says, giving them both a dirty look when they enter the kitchen, slapping each other's arms.

"Dad?" Logan says after a moment, getting swatted in the head by Cala, who snickers evilly. He whines as he rubs the back of his head, moving away from her as he takes a seat at the bar.

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