Space Man

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Near the NSR tower was such a calming atmosphere, so calm it was you could hear splashes from the sea. This was something she liked the most. In middle of the night sneak away from her home just to listen to the ocean and it's melody.
Her mother didn't knew about her 'hobby' luckily.

Sometimes wonder around the empty city streets, most of them dark to safe power.
Cast Tech, Akusuka, Natura, Metro Division, Dream Fever, Grand Quasa, she wondered through them all back and forth.
Most of her night walks were quiet and calm, but this night turned to be more than interesting.

A meteor shower showed on the sky, beautiful sight to see and thanks to the darknes coming from the city it was even better.
She quickly ran on the nearest hill to watch this display.
What surprised her, she wasn't alone outside, someone was on the hill too and by the large body she quickly recognized.

"Hey, DJ."

Screamed Supernova out of surprise, almost knocking down his telescope. As she got closer, Nova was fixing his telescope on the meteors, she noticed the crack on his glass helmet.
Putting his headphones on his neck and his hood down, Nova was surprised by this.
Grabbing her wrist to stop her from touching his face.

"What happened to you?"

Nova sighed, ignoring her question and putting his hood back up.
He knew, this will meet her too, the fight she'll probably loose and broke her violin to stop her music, so their music could spread more.
Spread like plague, infecting whole city to the point it's going to be rotten. 

The look on her face made her look like angel, so pure and innocent.
Nova knew she was never ready to fully fight on her own.
Maybe offer a help when that time comes?
He don't mind being launched into vacuum of space again, for her it's worth it, plus maybe he could take a closer to look at Saturn this time.

"(y/n), you know I'm always there for you. So when is something wrong just tell me please, okay?"
"Okay, but you know I'm here for you too, right? So tell me what happened, please."
"It's nothing really."

He lied.
He hated it so much, lying right into her face, yet he must.
Tatiana told him to stay quiet about the fight between him and B2J.
Nova got Tatiana's point just right, just protecting her daughter from danger. However, what's the point of hiding it anyway, this will meet her too, she has to know, so she could prepare for this.

"Oh, don't lie to me. I can see it just right."
"I acidently bumped into wall."

Another lie, oh, this hurt so much. Nova gripped his jacket and shirt on his left side.
He lied almost most of his NSR artist live, to hide his true emotions and feelings.
Why does it hurt so much to lie now?

"Okay, then. Do you need help to patch it up?"
"No, no, no. It's okay, it was much worse than this."

They sat down, watching the meteor shower.
Nova from time to time looked into telescope, pointing at meteors explaining what they are exactly, sometimes he told their names.
This reminded him his teaching days as a professor.
It came into the part, where he put his headphones on listening to enchanting music, of course his own, and just lay down and watch. After like five songs, he turned off the headphones, hearing something else that caught his attetion.
Gently snoring, (y/n) fell asleep.

He packed his stuff into his backpack and put it on.
Nova picked her gently into his arms, not wanting to wake her up, and went where NSR tower is.
Since his district was taken over, he can't longer stay at Planetaria Club's appartments.
He could just take her to his home, but Tatiana would probably kill him for kidnapping her in middle of the night.

As he came to NSR tower's entrance door, for his surprise they were unlocked.
So he went just in, closing the door behind him, which made bigger noise than he expected.
He looked down at her face, she was still asleep, good.
Now time to continue.
He was in NSR tower so many times for meetings or just visits, he knew where (y/n)'s room is.
For his luck he wouldn't get caught like this.

As he entered her bedroom, he looked around.
Posters, posters everywhere.
He looked at few of them, noticing most of them where 1010 signed posters, but what he found true jewel was his first made poster as NSR artist.
It was just simple headphones and between them was his name, background going from dark blue to purple.
He put (y/n) on her bed, putting the duvet over her body.
While making sure if she's still asleep, his gaze traveled above her bed.
The Goolings.
He was surprised her mother approved to have this poster, but it's Tatiana's daughter.

With the last glance at (y/n)'s face, Nova left her room and the tower and went to his own home for a good night sleep.

To be continued...


Hello, everyone.
Writer here!

Thank you so much guys for all your support and love.
Sorry for not posting new chapters, but I had/have school and we will have tests,
I need to study.

Which means
there will be very slow updates.

But thank you again for all kind of support and being so patient with me.

Have wonderful day/night.

Writer out!


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