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Eclairs did nothing much after collecting the stuff she needed, she looked at the time, it was 8:45.

There are still 15 minutes left before the male lead arrives.

She felt bored after completing all of the necessary work, of course the work was planning how to keep herself safe, even though it was said that city B was one of the best bases it did not mean that there were no zombies at all, of course this place became one of the best bases after getting rid of all of the zombies here, but the question is,

How did they ended up clearing this area so fast?

[What do you mean?]

You see, since the male lead will be bringing his little sister here, that means there was not much danger in this area. And I will not agree if you say that awakened zombies were less. As you had seen this city has a lot of graveyards around it, so the zombie wave should have been stronger here.

[Great observation skill.]


[You know in modern world almost no virus is natural.]

You mean to say that in modern world viruses are manmade.

[Something along those lines, it is not necessarily manmade but the reason why different viruses mutate to become dangerous is because of the pollution that humans create.]

You are not making any sense.

[I went off topic, but yes this virus is manmade.]

So you are saying that since this virus is manmade, the government had idea and sent some people to take care of the stuff.


Then why just some of these bases, this virus had caused worldwide crisis. And I dont get one thing, if the virus was manmade than they should have an idea on how to make the cure, in the first place what were they doing, that they suddenly had the idea of creating zombies, were they just tired of their lives, or had they watched too much sci-fi movies.

[If the virus did not exist, then the story would not exist either, in order for the book to have a plot it needed the virus.]

What BULLSHIT is this?

[as for having the cure, for the plots convenience the mad scientists who created the virus were the first to get infected, the only antidote that he made ended up breaking because the genius had it in his lab coat, since he was the zombie now no one was willing to approach him. His lab was filled with zombies now, so in order to hide this the government decided the burn the lab down, hence 6 months ago the news about an accident in the biggest lab had occurred. Since the notes containing the ingredients about antidote were also inside the lab, they got burned as well.]

So the virus should have ended right.

[no, government didnt know but this whole problem was caused because they burned the lab, smoke travels faster around the world, not in the initial form but mixes with the air. So since they burnt the biggest lab, where a dangerous virus was created, virus mixed up with the air and for the past 6 months has been slow poisoning humans without their knowledge. Hence the apocalypse occurred.]

That does not make sense at all.

[the government knew about the climate change so they had already sent people to take control of the situation, in case something bad happens. The soldiers are hiding everywhere, and there had been many zombies that had been taken care of without anyones knowledge. Its just that they did not expect that one day the virus will awaken this way. And they also had no idea that corpses from graves would also wake up like this.]


[Do you get it now?]

The only thing that I got from it was, that for the sake of the plot, these things that has no link with the common sense had happened. The author of the book seems to be forcing things onto the main character, he just seems like a 2D character with no personality (A/N: Just like you guys -__-)

~~End of chapter~~

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, lovely humans.

Have a nice week/weekend whatsoever.

And do read a new book written on a new platform Anystories

The plot was given by someone else, but I am writing over there just to see how that platform works.

Anyways happy life.

The link for that story is:


do give it a try (But only the prologue is out)

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