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It was 9 am in the morning and a figure could be seen staring at the sleeping figure at his side lovingly.

Damon's Pov:

After spending time with Sia, I came to realize that she is completely different from what I thought her to be.

When I first met her she wore flashy clothes and heavy makeup but was still beautiful. But what is the point of having beauty without personality. I admit that she is prettiest and hottest woman I have ever seen in my life. But I was not attracted to her. She was selfish and mean and would treat others as if they should just follow what ever she says. We were engaged since our childhood though I only met her now. Honestly her attitude was that of typical rich lady and was not too out of the line. Like she won't go out of her way to harm others............ At least that is what I thought.

My mother did not like her at that time because she said that she is not worthy of me her attitude is a bit too proud. But my father was against breaking the engagement. After our first meeting she would always follow me around and say that she loves me and that she would not let any other woman around me. Honestly I actually found that declaration cute. It was different from what others would do. I would have been fine if it was just that but whatever she did after that was a horror movie, and a shitty one at that. Any woman who came near me she would yell at them without a reason. She would act like she is too good to introduce herself to my friends and that any guy who tried to talk to her is flirting with her.

It was comical and funny. I always wondered where did she keep her brain. I still wanted to respect her as my wife though but it seemed hard. She even asked her dad to have marriage earlier than expected date. And so it happened.

2 weeks before our wedding she called me to go look for her wedding dress with me. I honestly wanted her to go and do that herself but I still went as I did not want her to go crazy again. But what happened after that was more shocking than what she did before. 

She just said that why have I not broken the engagement yet. I did not believe what I just heard. I just thought that I was exhausted. But whatever she said that after that was seriously weird. She was just following the way villains would act inside a novel to break off the marriage. Honestly that was lame. No matter what she did that marriage would not have broken.

After talking with her I just thought that she is an idiot who bored of her life. But well we all are bored of our life at least she tried to make it interesting. The method was just embarrassing though. But I don't think that she actually feels embarrassed about it.

Then after getting married and spending more time with her I realized that she has all kind of different sides. She is bold in most of the cases but she could be shy in some cases as well. She is smart but sometimes her actions are just plain stupid. She is just filled with weird ideas in her head. And she is a little too energetic but that just adds charm to her personality. I thought that she can be deceived easily but when she introduced me to her friend I found out that it is not the case.

I don't know when it happened but I am already in love with her.  But I don't know how to say that to her. Me and her are already married so I have no idea on how to pursue her. And I can't even ask my friends about it because they will surely laugh at me. Her brother is a no go as well because it would be awkward to ask him on how to date his sister.

When she said that we will tell each other if anyone of us fall for someone else. I thought it would be good to keep her away from all those men but looking at her now I think I would have to keep women away from her as well.





I am doomed.

Author's POV:

The sleeping figure woke up and was startled to see the man by her side staring at her. She breathed in and out and realized that the guy did not notice that she woke up. He was just lost in thought so she called out to him once.


But he did not react so she just did what anyone would do. She said that loudly

" umm.... Damon you look like a pervert right now. Stop looking at me like that."

The guy reacted and looked at her shockingly and than when he repeated what she just said in his head his face became dark. At that she said

"Oh you look like a perverted murderer now."

At that he just frowned and went to washroom. And Atanasia just laughed at his reaction.

Her laughter could be heard in the washroom and Damon just held his face that was as red as a tomato right now. 

Well because he was having perverted thoughts at that time but he did not want to admit it.

After freshening up they Atanasia made breakfast for both of them and also made lunch for him and sent him to work. Then she went to do her own work. Today she would be making her first video with Ciana.

She used all the means to promote herself now the only thing left to do is get into action.

Her first video was introduction to what they would be doing on there channel. But she did it in such a way that many people got interested. 

Original sia had many followers on social media. So everything went smoothly for now.

In there offices Damon and Felix were also watching there video. And after confirming that they have talent to do that and they have potential to go further they also helped promoting them.

~~End Of Chapter~~ 


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. My updates would still be random for now..

There is no schedule.

And I am a writer just for fun so please overlook the details.


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