Chapter 9

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Third Persons P.O.v

"What kind of mission are we going to have, Kakashi-sensei," Naruto asks with his hand raised. "It's a task that the four of us well do together," Kakashi responded, "What is it?" Naruto asks excitedly.

"A survival exercise." He stated calmly "A survival exercise?" Naruto asks curiously "Aren't we supposed to do actual missions instead of practices though? We already did plenty of survival exercise back in the academy, in fact, that's how we're here." Sakura stated, slightly confused.

"This isn't like your previous training, back in the ninja school." Kakashi said, "So, what type of training is it then?" Naruto asks, getting more and more confused.

When Kakashi heard his question, he started chuckling like a maniac. "Hey, hold on, that's just a normal question. What's so funny?" Sakura asks, getting slightly worried. "Well, if I told you the answer, you're not going to like it," Kakashi said as he continues to chuckle.

'Huh?' we all thought confusingly "Out of all the 27 graduates that just got here, only nine will be actually accepted as Genin while the rest of the 18 students that failed well be sent back to the academy. That means this is a pass or fail the test, which means that you three have at least a 66% chance of actually passing." Kakashi stated seriously.

All of them haded a shock and/or disbelief expression on their face when Kakashi announced that "See, I told you, you wouldn't like it" Kakashi said, seeing their reactions. "That's insane, we all worked hard to get here, believe it! What was that test for anyway?" Naruto said slightly irritated.

"Oh, that was a test to select candidates who might become Genin," Kakashi said calmly. "That's how it is I decide if you pass or fail this test. Also, be at the designated training spot at 5:00 am and bring your training gear." Kakashi-sensei said.

"Grrr" Naruto growled 'Well I'm not going to be weeded out, people are going to look up to me someday. I've got to pass this test no matter what! believe it.' Naruto thought with determination. 'I refuse to give up on my dream! every day I am one step closer to becoming the strongest kunoichi this village has ever see!' 'CHA! BRING IT ON SENSEI, CAUSE TOMORROW MORNING YOU'LL REGRET CHALLENGING ME!!' both Sakura and Inner thought with the same determination. 'Tch, I'll pass this test no matter the cost.' Sasuke thought darkly.

"That's all I've got to say to you three, dismissed," Kakashi said and turns to leave. "Oh, and one more thing before you go, make sure not to eat breakfast tomorrow or you'll puke," he said and disappeared in a puff of smoke after seeing the shocked faces of the treo.

Time Skip to tomorrow morning

No one's P.O.V

The sun was barely rising over Konoha village as the three from Genins from team 7 trudged their tired yet hungry body's to the training grounds that their sensei told them to meet.

It was almost noon when Kakashi decided to meet his exhausted team at the training grounds.

"YOU'RE LATE!" both Sakura & Naruto said at the same time, anger clear in their voices. "Well a black cat crossed my path, so I had to take the long way here," Kakashi said, not even bothering to come up with a better lie.

"Anyways, let's get started," he said and walked towards the stump that had a timer on top of it. "This timer is set for noon." he said and started the time "The assignment is simple, all you've to do is take these bells from me before noon," he stated calmly as the two bells jingle.

"If you can't get a bell by noon, you without lunch and be tied against one of those three posts," Kakashi said referring to the three wooden posts in the training field. "You'll also be forced to watch me and your teammates eat our lunch in front of you as punishment."

 'So that's why.' Sasuke thought grumpily 'He told us not to eat any breakfast so he could make the test harder on us.' Sakura thought as her stomach growled in hunger 'Cha, I would kill him if I wasn't starving to death.' Inner Sakura said weakly.

"Wait a minute, there's three of us, how come there are only two bells?" Sakura asks, noticing a missing bell.

"Well that way, at least one of you three will be tied to the post and be immediately disqualified for failing the mission, while the other two pass and become Genins," Kakashi said as if it wasn't a big deal. "But then again all three of you can flunk out and don't become Genins at all. You can use any weapon you desire or feel comfortable with, but if you're not prepared to kill me then expect to fail this test immediately," he stated seriously

"Common you hardly dogged an eraser, what makes you think you can take us all on?" Naruto stated cockily "Class clowns are usually the first ones to go in a mission and are often known as the weakest ones out of the bunch." Kakashi-sensei said bordley.

Sakura felt a tick mark form as she heard her sensei insult her friend "Why you..." before Sakura could say or do anything to Kakashi. Naruto rushed forward with a Kuni in his hand towards Kakashi-sensei and prepared to attack him.

All of a sudden Kakashi was behind Naruto and has his hand that held the Kuni, pointing to the back of his head "I didn't even say start yet here you are attacking me." Kakashi said with no sign of anger or annoyance in his voice. "But you did come at me with the full intention of destroying me, so how can I say this......I'm starting to like you guys." Kakashi said with an eye smile and let go of Naruto.

"Get ready," Kakashi said as the three of them got into position "Aaaaaaannnnnd.....start!" he declares as all but one disperse.

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