The Train Ride

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Hello fellow citizens........ 👁👄👁 Thank you for making it to the second part. I promise you it will get better.🧚🏽‍♀️

TW: some curse words.

Harry Potter's POV

I was staring at this girl that I didn't even know. She is wearing a white T-shirt with a Slytherin tie and I'm pretty sure she is a first year. But she is much too tall for a first year. She is short compared to most of the fifth years. Around Luna Lovegood's height. She is pretty. She has light green eyes. Almost like my mom's................
She is looking at us right now. I gave her a small smile and Ron waved. She seemed as if she was blushing at this point. I think I was too, but she looked away quickly. "Whew..." I thought.

Minutes pass and we are on the train on our way to Hogwarts. I can't wait to go back. I spent 3 dreadful months at the Dursley's. I think you know why I spend my summer break at the Dursley's. I'm sitting in the the train's compartment with Ron, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, And Neville Longbottom. There is one more empty seat. The only person I could think of was that girl I saw at the train station. Just then, Draco Malloy and Blaise Zabini ( fifth years in Slytherin), disrupted me from my thoughts. I looked up at him and stood up. " What do you want, leave us alone."
Malfoy just smirked.
" Don't worry Potter, We am not here for you so you can sit your ass down." " I'm here for that Loony Lovegood." Blaise replies.
Just then, before I was able to ask any questions, that girl I saw at the train station talking to Ron's mother, walked right behind Malfoy, into the Slytherin compartment. I wasn't surprised that she had gone into the Slytherin compartment, but what shocked me is that she was a fifth year student. " Who's that Blaise? Is she new?" Malfoy sneered. I saw the way he was looking at her. I wasn't too happy about it though. "It's not like I like her, why am I getting so mad?" I said in my head. " Her name is Y/N. She is a fifth year in Slytherin, and she grew up with muggles." Hermione said in a annoyed tone. " So, she is a mud-blood. Like you....." Malfoy said.
Ron got up, ready to punch the shit out of his face, but Hermione held him down.

" No. She Grew Up with muggles because her parents were killed by You-Know-Who when she was one years old. I heard she has a snake scar on her neck....... not the death mark but just a snake mark." She said. Just as she said that, Malfoy smirked and followed Y/N.
Blaise followed Malfoy as he closed the door. Harry and everyone else was looking around and staring at each other. Their expressions read " I wonder what they're going to do to her."


You are now on the train, and everyone Is staring at you. You don't feel too comfortable, but you are kind of used to it. You find your way to the Slytherin compartment. As you walk towards the door. You see a teenage boy with blond hair. He is also in Slytherin. " He is kind of handsome" you thought. You also noticed his friend. Tall, dark and also handsome. You try to ignore them and walk right behind the blond-haired kid. You heard the conversion die down.
You feel eyes burning behind you, but all you can do is walk till you find an empty compartment.
" Thank goodness" you whispered to yourself, as you found yourself an empty compartment at the back of the train. No one in Slytherin seemed to mind your presence.

You sit down and sigh. You feel tired and stressed.Then, you hear deep voices outside your compartment. You grip your wand tightly. You don't know why, but your guts told you to do it.
"Who is she? That new girl." Said a voice. You thought it belonged to that tall and dark guy. Then you heard a girl follow after."What new girl? Is she pretty? Is she in Slytherin? Malfoy, baby, why aren't you answering? You seemed bothered."

" ughhh, she must be annoying." I said to myself. Then, Malfoy spoke. " Don't call me baby, I am not your baby; and I am just thinking about her. Did you hear what that Granger girl said about her......" Malfoy's trails off. " it's nothing. Just don't think about her. I bet.......... Malfoy?" You saw Malfoy look at you. The Blaise guy follows Malfoy's glance and ends up looking at you. " Is that the girl? I expected her to be more prettier " the girl says. You get super mad. "bitch" you said to yourself.
"C'mon Malfoy lets go to our compartment."
Malfoy eyes you for a good second, as if he was undressing you with his eyes. You tried to look confident so you sat up straight and looked straight into his eyes. He smirked at you, licked his lips and walked away. ( just imagine him doing that 🙈) " Pervert" you said under your breath.

To get your mind of that Malfoy kid, you decided to introduce yourself to the other people on the train. You get of the compartment and notice all eyes on you.
" is that the new girl"
" she is soo pretty"
" I kinda ship her with malfoy"

You shrugged it off and walked out of the compartment. As your walking you hear a " hey" behind you. You turn around and face the person. It was Harry Potter. "Hello" you replied. " I noticed you at the train station earlier today and I didn't catch your name" he said. " Ya I saw you too, and I didn't get to introduce myself. Well, my name is y/n and I am a fifth year at Hogwarts, Slytherin. I like quidditch and I don't have parents" you said all in one breath. " Dayumm" you heard someone say and you were pretty sure it was Ronald Weasley. " well same, except the Slytherin part. And our name are different. My name is Harry Potter, and I'm pretty you've figured that part out already." He said innocently with a smile. You smiled back at him. " Well, why don't you sit down with us" Ginny Weasley offered, but as soon as you were about to sit down, Malfoy approaches you. " Y/n, shouldn't you change into your robes?We are almost at Hogwarts. " he said. Everyone looked dumbfounded. " umm ya sure........ I guess I'll see you guys later" you replied with a confused tone.

🧚🏽‍♀️Outfit changed into but with a Slytherin robe on top as well:

🧚🏽‍♀️Outfit changed into but with a Slytherin robe on top as well:

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Sorry this chapter was short....... but thank you guys so much for reading it.

Love you guys 😍😌🦋🦋

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