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Kieran POV

"What does he want?!" I demanded as I stormed into my office. Felicity, Bradley and Oliver followed me close behind. 

Bradley closed the door behind him. Most of the guests have already left and I guess some where still leaving. 

"He hasn't said why or what he wants he's only requested to see you" Oliver answered

"Have you asked him?" I answered, my tone very agitated 

"Of course I asked but all he said was that he was requesting to see you, he refused to say any more to myself or anyone in my pack" Oliver answered

"Well I'm not going, I've nothing to say to him" I said sternly

"Maybe he wants to apologise for his behaviour?" Felicity suggested

"He doesn't do apologies" I hit back

"Maybe it's important?" Bradley suggested

"Nothing from or about him is important" I snapped

"Alpha, please calm down, have a drink and take time to think this over" Oliver said trying to compromise 

"I don't need too" I answered now angry

"He's made a request for his trial to be put on hold until you see him, the longer you refuse to see him, the longer until his trial and we all know how much you want this trial to go ahead as soon as possible" Oliver said

"So he's making this whole situation hard for me, I refuse to see him so he refuses to go on trial until I do?" I asked annoyed

"I'm sorry Kieran as your friend and ally" Oliver said

I stood against my desk, my hands gripping the sides of it. Felicity suddenly got up, I thought maybe she was coming over to me but she went towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"To the kitchen for a glass of water" Felicity answered before she left the room

"Please try not to take any of this out on her, it's not her fault" Oliver said calmly

Oliver and Bradley both left soon after, giving me time on my own to think. I paced back and forth trying to think and weigh up my options but I didn't have many it was either I went and seen what Jamie wants then he gets his trial or if I refuse to go, he refuses to go on trial which leaves that longer. I felt my anger and rage build up inside, honestly right now all I wanted to do is lash out but I managed to talk myself down, instead I took a few deep breathes and calmed myself down. 

After a few more minutes on my own, the door opened quietly and Felicity stepped in cautiously.

"Is it okay to come in?" She asked

I nodded in response

"Where's Bradley and Oliver gone?" She asked

"They left me to give me some space to think about things" I shrugged

"Oh, I'll leave" She said turning to leave

"Please don't" I called after her.

Felicity stopped and turned back to face me.

"I don't know what to do" I admitted

Felicity sent me a gentle, soft look before she walked back over to me.

"This whole situation is very unfair, Jamie sure seems to know what he's doing, it's almost like he's still controlling things" Felicity said as she sat down on a chair.

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