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Felicity POV

I was currently sat in the lounge with a few others of the pack, I had thought that maybe Kieran had asked them to keep an eye on me after what Scotty had come to tell us. Kieran's words from last night, his promise he made to me about keeping me safe still stuck in my head. I'd hate it if any harm ever came to Kieran or his pack because of me, I really didn't want any trouble to happen here because of me. I know Kieran won't let me leave but I had to speak to someone, someone away from the pack and I knew just the person. All I had to do now was convince Kieran to let me go and visit this person and call her to make sure it was okay to go over to hers for a chat. 

Luckily for me the person I wanted to speak with agreed and said it was fine for me to go over, she would inform some of her pack I would be on my way over there. Kieran also agreed it was fine for me to go over but insisted a few of his pack members walked me there then came back for me when I was ready to return back home. The walk over there was very peaceful and relaxing. Kieran appointed Alex and Louis to walk me over. 

"Don't be mad at Kieran, it's not like he doesn't trust you, he just wants you to be safe" Alex said

"I'm not mad with him, I know he's very protective and wants to keep me safe, I just don't want Kieran or anyone else from the pack to get hurt because of me" I answered truthfully

"No one in our pack has ever gotten hurt before and you're not bringing any trouble here it's your old Alpha" Alex replied

We soon reached my destination and I was greeted by a very familiar and friendly face.

"Felicity, welcome over" Jenny Montgomery smiled as she welcomed me.

I remembered Jenny from my party, she was Oliver's wife and mate. They have known Kieran for pretty much his whole life. 

"Hello Mrs Mon-" I began but Jenny cut me off

"Jenny, please dear" She smiled

Alex and Louis said their goodbyes and made their way back to Kieran's house and pack. They had said to call the pack house when I was ready to head back home. I'm not gonna lie, I was glad Kieran let me come over here, it was a nice change. 

"So you wanted a little chat about things" Jenny said as we entered her and Oliver's huge home. 

"Yes it's just about Kieran, his pack and my old Alpha, Jamie" I said nervously

"No need to be nervous, we'll talk over a nice hot drink" Jenny smiled

Her smiled seemed to calm me down and comfort me a little. She lead us into her lounge room, she had asked one of her pack members to bring us in some hot drinks, I just hope it wasn't coffee, I hate coffee. 

"Sit down, drinks will be through soon, you do like hot chocolate right?" Jenny asked a little uncertain.

"Yes thank you, I'm fine with hot chocolate and tea just not coffee" I smiled answering her question as I sat down across from her.

"Are you and Kieran doing okay together?" She asked

"We're fine, we're good, but yesterday members of our pack found my cousin and a few of his friends on Kieran's land, they came to warn us about Jamie, he's going through a rage rampage" I began to explain

"He's angry, he thought he had Kieran beat when he claimed Sarah as his mate and took her from Kieran, since then, there's bee no love lost between them" Jenny explained

"I've seen Jamie during a rage before and it wasn't a pretty sight to see" I said then explained to her like I did the previous day to Kieran about the whole thing. 

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