Kaeya x Seme Male reader

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Kaeya alberich, the charming and witty cavalry captain of the knights of Favonius. Known and loved by all the people in mondstadt. Then there is (Y/N) (L/N). Assistant to the current acting grand Master. Who said is to be on par with her in both strength and intelligence. He is well respected among the ranks, and is known to be a hard working and diligent man. But he was also known as a stoic and quite man who rarely showed emotions. And only spoke when needed to. When these two always met. Kaeya would always flirt and tease the other trying to get a reaction out of him. And much to kaeya's surprise the the stoic male would sometimes flirt and tease him back, causing the blue haired male to blush and stammer over his words.
This became a regular occurrence between the two. Afte a few months of them going back and forth, the the (h/c)-nette got tired of their little game and cornered kaeya in his own office. Where he confessed his love for him. This surprised kaeya greatly, who confessed back but not without blushing and stuttering over his words. that night they shared there first kiss.

Since then they began dating. They kept their relationship private. Not because they were afraid of being judged or anything. Not that anyone minded actually. It was just not other people's business. And this leads us to the current time. Where they were sitting in (y/n)'s office. Well more like (y/n) sitting in his chair with kaeya seated in his lap. He was playing with (y/n)' s hair who liked to keep a bit long. They were sitting in comfortable silence. Until (y/n) broke it.

"should we tell them?" he questioned his lover. "tell who?" kaeya questioned back. "Jean and Lisa, about our relationship." ah, yes Jean and Lisa, bless their souls. They always tried to set the two up on dates, not knowing they were already together. The two decided not to tell them that they were together. Enjoying how they got annoyed every time they dismissed it as friends spending time together.

"nah, I wanna see how long we can keep this going until they figure it out themselves." he answered him. His lover only hummed in response. He continued doing his paperwork until the door opened. Lisa being the one who opened it.

"(y/n), I've got some papers for yo-" Lisa stopped mid sentence as she saw kaeya sitting on the other males lap. She suddenly squealed before speaking. "I knew it, you two are together. I have to tell Jean about this. " she excitingly said. Before quickly exiting the room. The lovers looked at each other running out of the room, and chasing after her. They arrived at jean's office where they busted down the door. Only to look on in horror as Lisa was rambling about the two lovers. But she stopped as soon as she spotted them. "and here come the lovebirds." the two blushed at the name. Before she can tease them any further, Jean spoke up.

"so you to were together all this time?" she questioned the two. They two lovers looked at each other other before nodding.

"yes we are together, have been for a few months, the reason we didn't tell you is because we enjoyed seeing you two trying to set us up together." kaeya explained to her. She looked at him unamused, to which he nervously smiled at her. Before anyone could say anything, (y/n) spoke up." before you two say anything, can we ask you not to tell anyone about our relationship?" he asked them with his usual emotionless voice, though a small blush could be visibly seen on his face. Jean sighed before speaking.

"if that's your wish, we'll respect it, though I'm still angry at you two for not telling us." she told them with a stern tone. They bowed their heads before leaving her office. The went back to (y/n)'s office where he laid on the small couch placed in the corner of the room. He pulled kaeya on top of him causing him to blush a bit." well that was interesting." (y/n) mumbled, nuzzling his lovers neck.

"you can say that again, I thought Lisa was gonna run around the headquarters, yelling about how we're together." this caused (y/n) to chuckle, which caused kaeya to blush, as (y/n) barley ever laughed or found anything Humorous. " today's been tiring, am going to take a nap, care to join me?" (y/n) asked, to which kaeya only nodded. Laying his head on his lovers chest." goodnight kaeya" "goodnight (y/n)." with that being said. They both went to sleep.


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