Chapter 2

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I had just barely slipped out of my clothes from my travels and changed into a pair of shorts and shirt when there was a light knock that echoes around the room . Kicking away my old clothes into a heap out of site, I rush towards the door, pulling it open with as big of a smile as I could muster.

"Oh hello Mrs-" She cuts me off, shaking her head lightly "Please, Narcissa. May I come in?" I nod my head, pulling the door open further. She strides in before perching on the end of my side of my bed, and patting the spot next to her with a soft smile. 

I take it wearily before tilting my head at her in confusion "Is there anything I can do? Are you ok?" I found it weird talking to my parents friends without them, it felt like I could do or say more wrong than right at any moment.

"Oh of course, I'm not here for me. I was wondering how the tour was, did Draco make it as far as the gardens? How are you feeling, I'm sure this is overwhelming" She places her hand on my shoulder "I fear you and him aren't getting along" There was a knowing glint in her eyes as she tilted her head ever so slightly, the light from my bedside just highlighting how sharp her cheekbones really were.

"Oh... no, we're fine, and we didn't make it as far as the gardens, just inside I'm afraid, though it looks a bit too dark to go and see now" I tell her, and she nods her head. Realising my mistake I add on "I was just so tired I begged Draco to just get to my room" She raised one eyebrow, and I slump my shoulders in defeat, understanding that she knew exactly what had happened.

With a simple flick of her wand that she held elegantly, and a few muttered words In a second, the empty vase near the door shook ever so slight, and a bouquet of colourful flowers had appeared. There were bright pink ones, green and blue, all centred around a bloomed lily with vines the colour of emeralds curled around the whole thing. I could help but gasp, my mouth dropping open in in awe.

"Your mother told me that you loved bright colours, though our house isn't.... " She trails off, thinking of her next words before continuing "It's rather dark, though I have a feeling with you here, things may get brighter" She doesn't elaborate, and I don't ask. I was still incredibly freaked out by everything that has happened in the past hour. 

"They're beautiful" I stand up and walk over, my fingers trailing over the soft petals of a tulip and down the rough stalk of a rose, my fingertips lightly skimming the twirling vines before I turn back to Narcissa with a grin "Thank you so much, for everything"

"Of course, so we will be dining shortly, though there is still time for Draco to take you around the garden if he had not before" She stands, heading for the door "I'll go fetch him now, if you'd like" She gives me that look that my mum does, the 'I won't take no for an answer, you can try but we both know it'll happen' look.

"I'd love to, thank you so much Narcissa" She grins when she hears her name from my mouth, and nods her head before disappearing out my door with strides so elegant I could have promised she was a swan in her past life. I head to my wardrobe with a sigh, plucking a skirt out that I'm quick to pull on over my shorts. I have a feeling if I went down wearing PJ shorts, my mother would have my head. 

Once I've got it on, I head to the door, only to walk right into Draco "Seriously Cassiopeia?!" he groans, stumbling back and glaring at me as though I was the one who had begged his mum to do this "Come on, let's go" He motions me to follow him expectantly and while I would have turned the other way just to rub it in his face, the fear of disrespecting his mum in her own house pushed me to follow.

"This isn't MY fault Malfoy" I hiss, keeping my voice low in case someone overhears. Though the whole place seems so empty anyway. There were large paintings scattered across the walls, but even they seemed stern and quiet, not even whispering a word as we passed.

"Then who's fault is it?" He spins on his heel, glowering at me with such malice even I can't help but flinch away. It wasn't fair he was directing his anger on me, I'd not actually done anything wrong, heck none of this is my fault and I shouldn't be blamed for this. 

"Not mine! Look, I'll go on a walk around the gardens, you can stay in your room and then we'll head down to dinner ok?!" I shove past him, my shoulder hitting his own quite violently. Not expecting it, he stumbled, and I can tell you with the up most confidence that it felt so good. After regaining his footing he spins around to grab my elbow with a sneer on his pale face, stopping me in my tracks. 

"HEY!" I spin around to face him, his face starting to turn a rather cute shade of red, though he looked slightly intimidated as he glowered down at me, neither one of us moving or blinking. A few seconds pass, and then the seconds turn into what I can only say was minutes, but neither one of us budge. My eyes narrowed further as I stare him down, though he just squares his shoulders and does that arrogant raising his chin thing at me.

When I try to square my shoulders, still furious that he had blamed me for this all, he just let's out a humoured breath, the corners of his lips tilting up, because even at my full height, I was still quite a bit shorter than him. I was having to tilt my head up slightly to meet his eyes and that just angers my further. Pushing myself forward so our chests were pressed together, I let out a snarl of annoyance.

From this distance, I could see the different shades of light blue and grey, his eyes bright even in the dimly lit corridor we were stood in. And his hair, that stupid, ridiculously light hair that was just long enough to brush against the top of his ears and eyebrows.

"Malfoy don't you ever-" My voice was low and dangerous as I leant forward so I was a breath away from him, though cut off by a gasp at the end of the corridor and we both leap apart to face my mother and Narcissa stood side by side. Their mouths were hanging open, though their lips tilted up in smirks as they watched us as though incredibly amused.

"We were just about to come and find you in the gardens, though you haven't even made it out yet" My mother commented, walking closer to us, now grinning from ear to ear like an idiot "You two were rather close, were you-"

"NO!" Both Draco and I yell together, mortified even by the thought of it. It was like with both had the same thought, turning to face each other with narrowed eyes, only to realise the other had too. Screwing up my nose in disgust, he follows suit and we look back at our mother who were still looking rather creepy in the way they were grinning at us.

"I remember when I was your age-" "MOTHER!" Draco runs a hand down his face, lowering his voice when he spots the startled look on our mother's faces "There is nothing going on between us ok? We're just..." He pauses, only to grit out the word as if it pained him "Friends. We're friends"

"Are we Draco?" I smirked. If I couldn't get to him by being intimidating, I'd get to him by annoying him. At some point he had to snap at me and give me a reason to leave this place and go home "Aw, how sweet. You know I've always wanted to hear you say that" He looks down at me, and if looks could kill, I'd be ten feet under by now.

"Well, I suppose if you haven't even made it out, it would be better to tour the gardens tomorrow. Come, let's head to dinner" Narcissa spoke up, ushering us down the corridor and the group descends into an awkward silence, well, awkward on mine and Draco's behalf. Our mothers seemed like school girls again, sharing those 'knowing' looks. It was almost refreshing to see my mother so herself again.

I didn't know about Draco, but I had a pretty good feeling that this was going to be an incredibly uncomfortable dinner.

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