#7 absolutely deserving

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I read a lot of werewolves au stories so
I wanted to try. Excuse all the mistakes. I hope y'all healthy! Thank you for 200 votes. Surprised people are still giving me a chance despite the lack of updates. Appreciate it.

Natsu has been captured by the enemy pack for so long, losing a huge part of his childhood. When he got back they of course celebrated his return and he met Lucy again. With all the insecurities and nightmares it caused him, Lucy is making sure she is there for him, resulting in Natsu courting her.

"I can't believe our pack is holding a feast for someone we don't even know," Lucy grumbled, peeling of the skin of a bison.

"Well... it's one of our leader's friend's son," Levy said, making sure the decorations are perfectly fine.

"But Levy, I just don't get it. We're twenty two now and we've never heard of this so called son."

"It's said he was taken as a prisoner of another pack for a very long time. Besides, you don't have room to complain," Levy reminded. "You agreed to do all the tasks while you know you could have split those."

Lucy whistled annoyed, rolling her eyes at her best friend. "You know my parents expect too much of me." And indeed her parents did. She belonged to one of the wealthy families of the pack.

She grabbed the basket with fruit and decided to bring it to the table already. Walking to the pack hall wasn't something she feared. Her pack was huge but loyal and respectful. Even though she is the 'weakest' link of society as people may say, she took pride in it.

Some alphas whistled at her, their eyes approvingly scanning her body. It's no surprise an omega like Lucy had options, many options.

For now she didn't want a mate though. She knew she couldn't provide any comfort for any male right now, her characteristics making her seem harsh sometimes.

She isn't. She just doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve. That's the only thing her uncle had taught her before he died in a battle against another rival pack.

Suddenly her nose caught a strange scent, never smelled it before. Her ears perked up in alarm. They're within the heart of their territory now. How come no one is surprised or anywhere near concerned? Shouldn't some alphas be on patrol or anything?

She looked around, her eyes lighting up when she saw Gray. "Gray!" she called, jogging lightly. "Don't you smell this strange scent of someone? Shouldn't we warn people that maybe an intruder passed the borders?"

He stopped doing whatever he was doing, his eyes lighting up with a sudden realization. "Nothing to worry about."


Gray looked at her indescribably. "You know, Natsu, our friend?"

Lucy frowned, looking at the basket with grapes she carried. "I don't know a Natsu..." she said slowly, as if trying to remember if she ever did.

Gray paused for a second before nodding. "Right... anyways, go bring that to the table, will you?"

"Yes, yes, alpha," Lucy mumbled, rolling her eyes. She heard him scoff, his cold scent getting cooler, a good sign. His scent was naturally refreshing. The happier he is feeling, the more his scent would turn icy.

"You should be happy I'm your friend, otherwise I'd have slit your throat open."

"Okay, pup. Whatever you say," Lucy mocked, immediately laughing how his scent turned sour. Men's egos are easy to crush.

She noticed her basket missed some fruit. She furrowed her eyebrows. She knows how to do her job, and she definitely had those before.

She gasped and turned around, the smirk on Gray's face was the first thing she noticed. "You fucking asshole," she said as she saw the cherries in his hand.

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