He was my friend - Part 2

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Part two of the story where they were once childhood friends and found each other again. They've thickened their bond by the many encounters they've had. Cute shit.


The next day in school I went to it with a smile on my face. Lucy and I were chatting the whole weekend and gosh, what did I miss her.

Of course I knew we have changed, but who says we can't be friends?

"What's up, man?" I said and gave Gray a bro hug.

He shrugged. "Nothing."

"Well, guess what," I said, my voice sounding awfully excited.

He raised his eyebrow, knowing that I knew that he won't guess.

"Lucy came back!"

His eyes widened. "The Lucy you always talked about in 8th grade?"

I nodded. We met each other in 8th grade, and I still wasn't over Lucy's depart. I think in 9th grade I finally stopped talking about her. But I never forgot her, obviously.

My breath hitched in my throat when I saw Lucy emerging from the door.

Het schooluniform suited her perfect. I'm a guy, so of course I noticed how her body evolved since childhood. But I love how her face expressions are still the same.

Her blonde hair flew softly, just like in the past.

Without a second hesitation I ran to her and pulled her in a hug.

"Whaa," she shrieked as I spun her around.

"What are you doing?" she whispered loudly.

"Hugging you?" I said, breaking it. She didn't sound so excited about seeing me.

"We're in school," she whispered again.


"So..." She sighed. "I don't want rumors about us."

I laughed. "This is Fairy Tail you're talking about. Everyone is friends with each other."

"That's not true. I'm friends with no one."

I swung an arm around her and dragged her to Gray. "You're friends with me. And hey, look at him, he wants to be your friend too."

Gray playfully gave me the finger before introducing himself.

"I know, Natsu talked a lot about you," Lucy said.

He grinned at me. I narrowed my eyes. "I never said something good about you," I snarled.

"Good," Gray replied with a scowl. "Anyways, Natsu talked about you too."

Lucy turned to me. "You did?" she asked softly.

"Obviously," I said and waved Gray good bye.

I grabbed her by the hand and went to her locker. I tightened when I felt her soft skin.

Surprisingly, we had the same art class. How did I not notice that before? I mean, she's a huge part of my life.

"Alright class, I want you to sketch something, but the simplicity and emotion should spring out."

I pursed my lips. What should I sketch? I could do it about Lucy, but that would be so awkward once she figures it out.

I made a sketch about Zeref catching me stealing his shirt. He was glaring at me while I smiled sheepishly. Then I just got lost in made my sketch into a comic.

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