104 || lofty manners and conduct of the salaf

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Miscellaneous Examples

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Miscellaneous Examples

It is reported that Jābir b. ʿAbdillāh – Allāh be pleased with him – said:

Have taqwā of Allāh and behave modestly (with a sense of shame), and cover yourselves; let not any of you bathe except behind a covering.

Al-Bayhaqī, Shuʿab Al-Īmān #7398.

It is reported that Mujāhid – Allāh have mercy on him – said:

It is disliked for a man to stare at his brother or follow him with his gaze when he gets up, or to ask him where he has come from.

Op. cit. #9580.

It is reported that ʿAṭā b. Abī Rabāḥ – Allāh have mercy on him – said:

Sometimes a man narrates a ḥadīth to me, so I remain quiet as if I am listening carefully, although I had heard the ḥadīth before he had even been born.

Al-Ḏahabī, Siyar Aʿlām Al-Nubalāʾ 5:87.

It is reported that Al-Aḥnaf b. Qays – Allāh have mercy on him – would try to make space whenever a man came to him, and if there was no space, he would make it appear that he was trying to make space for him.
Op. cit. 4:94

Muḥammad b. Abī Ḥātim reports:

I heard Al-Buḵārī say, “I have never eaten leek.” So I asked, “And why is that?” He replied, “I hate to annoy anyone with its foul smell.”
Op. cit. 12:445

It is reported that ʿAbdullāh b. Al-Mubārak was asked about an issue in the presence of Sufyān b. ʿUyaynah, so he said, “We have been forbidden to talk in front of our seniors.”
Op. cit. 8:420

It is reported from Al-Ḵalīl b. Aḥmad – Allāh have mercy on him – that if he ever benefitted someone with something, he would never make out that he had benefitted him, but if he ever benefitted from someone, he would show him that he had benefitted from him.
Op. cit. 7:431

It is reported that Al-Layth [b. Saʿd] – Allāh have mercy on him – said:

I used to walk with Ṭalḥah, and he [once] said, “If I knew that you were older than me by even one night, I would never walk in front of you.”

Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyatu Al-Awliyāʾ 5:17.

Abū Nuʿaym, Ḥilyatu Al-Awliyāʾ 5:17

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