4. Wow

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The ninja and elemental masters were all confused, pondering what might be going on. Nobody could accept the lack of... BAD... in here. Kai huffed and rolled onto his stomach. He blinked and went to his coat, noticing his phone was still in it.

He decided to see if he could call somebody. Maybe somebody in the building. Kai turned on his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Skylor! He pressed on her contact.

Skylor was just training when she saw her phone light up. She walked over, chuckling at who the contact was, and picked up.

"Hi Kai."


"You do know you can just go to my room, right?"

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to see if we had bars here, and it's nice to talk to you."

"Oh stop, I'm all cuddly."

"I mean- if you want to cuddle- "

"Git over here. Time for cuddles. You have no choice."

"Okay, but if you burn me with my own element, no cuddles for a week."

"Awhh, you're so cruel. I'm shaking. Get yourself over here."

Kai chuckled, hanging up. He went over to Skylor's room where they just watched TV and snuggled. (Enjoy this my children)

Griffin sat in the hot tub room, at the table that sat in-between the buffet and the hot-tub. He stared at a picture he held in his hands. It was the picture of a beautiful, brown haired woman standing next to a nerdy-looking ginger-haired man.

Griffin sighed and put the picture in his pocket, standing up and deciding to explore the area a bit. He found a few hidden doors that lead to absolutely nothing. When he went to the last door he found, it splashed him with water and said 'HA! You thought! Hehehehe'.

Griffin blinked. Did I just get pranked by a freaking door?

He stood and headed over to his room, running into Cole on the way. "Whoa hoh, hoh dude!", Cole said, holding in a laugh at Griffin's drenched demeanor, "Did Nya do that?"

"No", Griffin grumbled, "I just got pranked by a stupid door."

Cole burst out into pure laughter. "You- you got pranked by what!?", Cole laughed, barely able to speak.

"A DOOR OKAY!?", Griffin yelled. Cole laughed even harder, falling to the ground. The poor master of speed huffed, slipping past the laughing earth ninja. He went to his room, changing his clothes and taking a shower. What he feared most was if the water splashed on him was clean.

He walked out of the shower, draping his towel on his neck. Griffin sighed, changing into some clothes and sitting down. He suddenly stood, rushing over to his drenched clothes and taking out the picture.

Griffin frowned. The picture wasn't soaked, but a couple of parts got smudged. He sat down on the floor, moving his hand at a fast speed, hoping to dry it quickly. It was a success, but the faces on the picture were smudged now.

"That your family or something?", somebody said behind him. Griffin jumped, looking behind him and noticing Cole. Griffin sighed slightly and nodded.

"It's my mom and dad", Griffin said, "My REAL mom and dad."

Cole sat down next to him. "Oh so you were adopted?", He said, studying the picture. Griffin nodded, grabbing the picture back and putting it on a shelf. "My mom was the master of speed after grandpa died.", Griffin said, picking up his towel and putting it in the bathroom.

"Hmm", Cole inquired, "Did you know her? Was she cool?"

"Oh please, of all rude moms, she takes the cake", Griffin scoffed, organizing a few mini car models he brought, "She called the elements 'curses' n' stuff. She said that the worse curses were mind and speed. When she found out that I got her element, she dropped me off at the orphanage saying 'I won't have a curse for a son'. But I'm glad she dropped me, my new parents are so nice, I get cake when I get home from school just because I made it through the day without a bruise."

Cole blinked. "If that's true, why do you keep that pic?", he asked.

"Cause even if she WAS rude, my dad was nice", he said, "And they're still my family."

Cole frowned, realizing how much he didn't know about the masters. Heck, there were so many things the NINJA didn't even know about one another. That was saying something, because they practically grew up together. Wow. How odd.

Griffin looked at Cole and blinked. "Are ya gonna sit there, pondering life, or are you gonna leave and let me sleep?", he chuckled. Cole snapped out of it, laughing a bit.

"Sorry, Griffer, I'll go now", Cole laughed. Griffin blinked, confused for a moment.

"Griffer???", he said, his tone very perplexed. Cole laughed again, this time at Griffin's confused expression. "Just a mix of your first and last name", Cole said, "Ya know, Griffin Turner? Griffer?"

Griffin laughed, getting it. "I see", he chuckled, "Now get outta my room, rocky boi."

Cole left the room, laughing and waving bye to Griffin before getting out and closing the door behind him.

That was fun.

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