Fred Weasley: Posessive

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Prompt: "moved on?" (or) you're helping Seamus, forgetting how much of a flirt he is, and Fred grows frustrated.

"Hey, Seamus!" You greeted your new friend when you entered the Great Hall. "How was your Charms exam this morning?"

"Started a fire in the classroom," He motioned to his wrapped hand. "Didn't end well for me."

"Aww, let me see," You took his hand into yours gently and peeled back the white bandage wrap to examine his burn. It looked good for a burn. "Oh, Seamus this'll heal really quick. Don't worry too much about it."

What you didn't know, is that Ron nudged Fred down the table to point him towards where you and Seamus sat. Ron, overthinking as usual, thought you were flirting with Seamus and wanted to make sure Fred saw it.

Fred did see it. And wasn't happy about it at all. His eyes watched you and Seamus like a hawk.

"Here," You wrapped Seamus' hand like it was before and he retracted it back to fold with his other one. "Seems you're always blowing something up or setting something on fire."

"Yeah," Seamus facepalmed with his bad hand and winced. You couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my god are you okay?!" You took his bad hand into his again. "Maybe I should keep this here so you don't hurt it further."

"I'm a danger to myself!" Seamus remarked with a laugh. Dean next to him laughed too.

"You're not wrong, there, mate."

"Ouch. Even your best friend agrees."

"He's on a first name basis with Madame Pomfrey," Dean teased him. Seamus went to slug him with his bad hand but you tightened your grip on it.

"Seamus! Merlin, I'm starting to think you're trying to hurt yourself!" You joked.

"Alright," Fred got up from the table, fuming as he walked towards you and Seamus.

"Fred! Don't do anything you'll regret!"

Fred sat across from you and Seamus. He nodded at the boys. "Seamus. Dean," Then he turned to you. "Moved on, have you?"

"What?" Your eyes widened. "Freddie I was just..."

"Holding his hand and flirting with him?" Fred sneered and nodded. "Am I not enough for you? Or do you find enjoyment in man jumping?"

"Fred! Easy, mate!" Seamus intervened. "She was looking at the burn I gave myself this morning! I had no intention of taking her from you!"

Fred met your eyes, but got up from the table and stormed out of the Great Hall. You followed after him immediately and ran after him down the corridor. You grabbed his hand but he turned sharply and pulled it away from you.

"Fred I love you! Only you! When did you ever think that I'd leave you for someone else? What's happened?"

"I can't lose you," Fred said firmly but his voice shook. "I can't. Because you're the only consistent thing in my life other than George and I can't lose that. You're the calm in my storm, love. I need you."

"Fred," You hugged him. He hugged you back. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way. I'll be more careful. Seamus is just a new friend of mine. I didn't mean to make you feel insecure. I love you."

"I love you too," Fred sighed heavily. "I love you too, my darling."


a/n: sorry if this one sucked. it was pretty darn forced. might take a little break from this one shot book- but don't worry, I'll still be updating. just slower to give my brain a break 🖤

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