The Little Weasley :: S2 P1 :: George Weasley

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"George, you're scaring me," You nervously laughed, George was covering your eyes while Fred held your hands in front of you.

"Why are you scared? We've already told you this is a good thing!"

"I have every right to be scared, Weasley," You told him. "You know I'm right."

"I do," George snickered. "But this is good I promise."

Fred led you down the hallway and stood you right at the entrance of it. Then George uncovered your eyes. You looked down the dark hallway. "Boys?... What am I supposed to be looking at?"

"This," George flipped the light on and that's when you saw it. Another door right on the opposite side of yours and George's bedroom. But it's not Fred's.

"You- why- is that another room?" You glanced back at the twins, who each encouraged you to open the door. "Didn't there used to be a closet here once?"

"We ended up getting rid of it because we didn't use it. Now... well... we might."

You cautiously opened the door, to reveal a red and orange Gryffindor themed baby nursery/ bedroom. Instantly your eyes filled with tears and you reached back for George.

"You... you two did this?" You asked as George hugged you from behind. "You made this?"

"We did!" Fred slipped inside and began showing you the perks. "Look!" He lifted up a stuffed lion from inside the dark wood crib. "Got 'em all stocked up with the good stuff. We already know they'll be a Gryffindor. They're a Weasley."

"Oh yeah?" You laughed.

"Obviously," George kissed your cheek as he pointed to the dark brown recliner in the back of the room. "Go give that a try, yeah? I may have tweaked it a bit."

"Okay..." You sat in the large chair and instantly sank into the soft, plushness of the cushions. It also formed to your body and seemed to hug you back in a way. It was very comfortable and you were obsessed in seconds. "Oh my... love this is wonderful..."

"I'm glad you like it. I wanted to make sure it was comfortable for the both of us when we spent time with the little Weasley in here."

"George, should we have her open the drawers to the dresser?" Fred gave his twin a rather suspiciously mischievous look. You had grown to expect surprises from these two. Especially now with the baby.

You wouldn't have any need for a baby shower. These two are constantly showering you with gifts anyway.

You got up from the chair... reluctantly... then opened the first drawer and gasped, grasping George's muscled forearm as you bent over a bit to take out what was in it. A quidditch jersey. Only... it's tiny, infant sized, and has George's number on the back of it as well as 'WEASLEY' printed across the top of the back.

It brought you to tears and you leaned back into George's arms. "Boys... I-I don't even know what to say..."

"You don't have to thank us. These are all things we thought the little one would need," Fred explained. "Plus some extra things we thought would be cute."

It was so odd seeing these two so soft and talking about the baby already. You knew it would only get better once the baby was born.

You set the jersey back into the drawer amongst a load of red, gold, and white onesies and shut the drawer back. Your hand ran over the edge of the dark wood crib while the other hand rested on your abnormally large baby bump. A soft red knitted blanket draped over the edge of the crib.

"They're so spoiled already," You laughed tearfully. "You two are going to be their favorite, I already know. I don't know how to thank you two enough."

"You don't need to, love," George told you, wrapping his arms around you from behind like he had done before. "The baby coming will be thanks enough. If it's not obvious, we're way too excited about this."

"I'm sure," You giggled. "You are wonderful," You turned to face George, pressing a kiss to his lips. "Both of you. You're both wonderful."

You pulled back from a hug you gave Fred and he pouted. "Aw. No kiss for me?"

The three of you laughed, so you kissed Fred's cheek. "There. No more pouting. I need maturity from you both before this kid comes."

"I'm apologizing in advance," George snickered, his hands right back where they were before on your hips. "This kid's a Weasley. We're a lot to handle."

"I'm sure if I've got you two I'll be alright," You replied. "I deal with you two, don't I? This baby's gonna be a tiny version of you two."

"Likely," The twins said in unison, causing another wave of laughter.

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