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"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as Draco carried me over his shoulder. He had asked to go to the beach with Lyra and I earlier in the week and I was now currently being carried into the ocean against my will.

I began to hit his back, "NOW MALFOY!" I shouted at him whilst struggling to escape his grasp.

"Oh back on to last names now I see, Granger? I think you should cool down a bit, don't you think so too Ly?" He called over to the little angel. She nodded. I take it back, she's a little devil.

Draco adjusted me so I was easier to throw into the deep, blue, ocean and I clutched my hands round him as tight as I possibly could; knowing he was enjoying this enraged me.

"One..." Draco began as he swung me...

"Draco please no!" I squirmed in his arms.

"Two..." He said louder...

"Please! I'm begging you!" I pleaded, yet no success.

"Three!" He shouted and I braced for impact.

"AHHHH!" I screamed and shut my eyes then came to a halt.

I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. I was still in his arms and I wasn't freezing cold in the sea, in fact, I was above the water. I hit his chest repeatedly, "You! You foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach!"

"It's not too late to drop you in the water darling." My mouth shut immediately and instead I gave him an innocent smile, "That's what I thought." He said as he took me back to the warm, yellow sand.

"Dwaco?" Lyra came up to us and gave Draco her best and biggest smile. He new instantly what she was about to ask.

"Yes sweetheart, we can get ice-cream." He gave into her without her even having to try. She truly had him wrapped round her little finger.

I smiled at their exchange and then a sudden thought came to my mind.

When do I tell Lyra that Draco's her father?

The thought made me feel uneasy as I didn't think Lyra was ready.

Who am I kidding? I don't think I'm ready.

What if he realises he wants his freedom back and abandons us?

And what if he isn't ready to put in all this commitment?

Lyra would be crushed if he left her. They've only known each other for just over a month now and she's already so attached to him. She's even drawn pictures of the three of us together as a... family.

"Hermione?" I heard which caused me to snap out of my contemplation, "Are you alright?" He asked as he looked at me concerned.

I soon realised that my cheeks were damp and that I had been crying. Draco's hand made its way up to my face and he cupped my cheek with his hand to proceed and wipe away my warm tears. He stared deeply into my eyes and just like that, the entire world disappeared. It was just him and I.

I put my hand up to the cheek he was still cupping and took his hand in my own to pull it away from my face.

"Yes," I started, "I-I'm fine." I gave him a small smile, took Lyra's hand in my free one, and began to walk to the ice-cream van. All of our hands holding each others just like Lyra would draw in her pictures.

After the lovely outing, we drove back to my apartment for some dinner and a movie.

Once we entered, Draco hung up all our coats and headed to the kitchen.

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