s e v e n t e e n

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"How did it go?" A silky voice spoke from the other side of the room. I had just entered from my lunch with Harry and didn't expect to see that Ginny had been replaced with Draco.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as the tall figure walked over to me and placed his warm hands on my waist, then leaned in to kiss me softly.

"I thought I would come and see you darling, just to ask how everything went, and to see Lyra obviously." He told me, hands still placed on my waist.

I kissed his cheek, "It went really well actually." I said with a huge smile on my face and he copied the smile too.

"I was thinking," Draco started, "We should all take a trip to Diagonally."

"Oh." I hadn't been there in so long. I began to get a little nervous at the thought but I knew that I had to get over this eventually, so might as well get it over and done with, "Yeah, sure." A nervous, small smile was placed on my face.

"Be ready in an hour." Draco placed a kiss on my forehead and then apparated to his apartment.

It was a rather warm day, so 1 hour later Lyra and I were all dressed. I was in a short, white summer dress with a cropped denim jacket on top and some nice white flats. Ly was wearing a rosey-pink top with denim shorts and white trainers.

"Okay my girls, lets go!" Draco called from the living room, we heard the door shut behind him. Lyra ran through to meet him and I slowly followed her.

Draco and I held hands whilst Lyra was in one of Draco's arms with her arms wrapped tightly around him.

We arrived in Diagonally and began to show Lyra around as she would have to get used to it when she goes to Hogwarts eventually. We stopped and went into shops such as Flourish and Blotts and then stopped in Hogsmeade to go to The 3 Broomsticks for a butter beer or two.

Eventually, we ended up wondering down to a joke shop. We entered to the sound of clattering bells and a waft of many smells hit our noses; cinnamon, ash, firewood and sweets.

The three of us all took our time as we made our way around the shop. Lyra tried to pick up many items that the store had to offer such as some extendable ears, a skiving snack-box and a Pygmy Puff but Draco and I quickly placed them back where they belonged. Lyra went to pick up another item before Draco stopped her, "Lyra darling, stop picking things up please." He told her off nicely so she wouldn't cause a scene in the middle of the shop. She simply gave a loud sigh and doddled off somewhere else.

I stopped myself in front of the love potions and was met with a comment by Draco, "Won't be needing them Mia." He winked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and moved me on.

It took us at least an hour to get round the full shop, mostly because Lyra kept running off elsewhere so Draco and I had to catch her. We were about to exit the shop until Lyra had ran off again, "I'll get her." I sighed as I began to follow the sounds of happy, toddler screams. I had my eyes focused on the ground until I hit a rock-hard surface.

My gaze left the floor and began to look at the man in front of me. He had long, skinny-ish legs and a well built torso with a very strong chest. He had a cheeky grin and red locks to match.

"This one yours?" He asked with Lyra holding his hand.


Ooooo who do you think it is? Also, apologies for the short chapter I was just experiencing some writers block for this one so tried to end it as soon as I could really, but I have some good ideas for the next few chapters as they are all planned out already. Hope you have an amazing day as always!

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