Part 9: A Spicy Sunday Evening

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mild warning for sexual themes but no actual smut



"Shut up, Prongs, that happened a long time ago!" Remus was red with embarrassment as James told the group the story of when Remus asked out a girl for the first time. Amidst humiliation and feeling nauseous Remus ended up throwing up all over the girl's shoes.

He didn't get the date. 

"Come on Moony, you know you like it," teased James. Remus scowled in his direction but ended up laughing along with everyone else. 

Sirius hadn't let go of y/n all evening. On the floor of the common room, they all sat in a circle except for Sirius, who was sitting behind y/n with his arms wrapped around her. The common room was alive with groups of Gryffindors who were not ready for Monday to begin the next day. Goblets of pumpkin juice and various snacks were strewn throughout the room, somebody had blown up balloons and kept tossing them up in the air.

Things were good.

Things were really good.

Sirius's breath was warm against her ear, and he began to kiss down her neck, making her shiver right down to her toes.

"What are you doing?" she hissed.

Sirius made a low noise in his throat. "Nothing, darling. Why do you ask?"

He continued to place hot, open mouthed kisses on her neck, her jaw, her ear. Anywhere he could reach. Y/n felt pure electricity course through her body at Sirius's touch.

James began to stare. "Oi, Padfoot, keep it in your pants, would you?"

Sirius smiled against her skin and look up at his friends. "Guilty."

"Just for the record, I do not condone any of his actions," y/n said quickly, not without a little humor. Excitement caused butterflies to swarm through her stomach.

"Tell your dog of a boyfriend to save it for later," Remus said. 

Y/n grinned. "You hear that, Pads?"

"Hmm, well, it's getting late," started Sirius abruptly, already rising from the floor, "and we all have school tomorrow so if you don't mind..."

Sirius pulled her up and dragged her away, hardly allowing her a wave goodbye. He led her out the portrait hole (ignoring the Fat Lady's insults), and soon y/n was against the wall and Sirius's mouth was on hers before she could even breathe. Needy, warm, passionate.

"Mmph, Sirius."  Y/n tore herself away. "We could get caught."

"Great point." Sirius planted another kiss on her lips before grabbing her hand and sneaking through the hallways of the castle. So late at night, it was too risky to be out of the common room but risky was Sirius's specialty. 

Slightly out of breath having just run up a few flights of stairs, Sirius led her right to a set of double doors. 

Y/n knew where they were. 

"The Room of Requirement, huh?" y/n admired. "Classy."

Sirius shrugged. "Only the best for my girl. Now, come on."

The place was more romantic than Paris at midnight. Cozy couches, beautiful maroon carpeting, and candles decorated the room. A large crystal chandelier illuminated the place with a majestic, ethereal aura. 

"After you, m'lady."

Y/n walked through the doors, astonished, as she circled the room, touching the couches, smelling the candles. 

"This is really beautiful, Sirius," she said. "Who knew you were such a romantic?"

A beautiful bouquet of roses in Sirius's hand greeted her when she turned around. She sniffed them, elated. 


"Shh," he said and his lips were on hers once more. Fit together like they were created just for each other.

Without breaking the kiss, Sirius backed up to the couch and settled y/n down underneath him. She wound her hands around his neck, playing with his shaggy hair, messing it up in that endearingly playful fashion that he liked to sport. 

"Is it weird to say that I might love you?" y/n said, breathless.

Sirius couldn't keep his hands off of her. He settled his hips over hers and kissed her deeply, nibbling on her lower lip. 

"Only if you don't think I'm weird for saying it back."

His hands were under her shirt and she couldn't help herself. She whispered, I love you, I love you, into every kiss and he moaned against her mouth and said, I love you too in that low, rumbling voice of his that made y/n shiver with pleasure.

And soon the clothes on their backs were too restricting, too burdensome to the electricity that sparked between their bodies. They shed their clothes to the floor like all their worries, all their cares and back down on the couch they went. 

Sirius kissed down her neck, her throat, brushing his tongue lightly over her collarbone which made y/n giggle. She felt high. Time wasn't real and nothing mattered except Sirius and his warmth and the way he moved his fucking hips against hers... God, she was whipped for him. 

"I want to get on top," demanded y/n. The bossiness of her voice sent a rush of ... something down to his lower half and immedaitely he was flipping over so she could climb on top of him and grind her hips onto his. 

He let out a moan and arched his back. Y/n liked the way he crumbled underneath her.

"Be a good girl for me," Sirius panted, "and fucking touch me."

That was all she needed to hear. 


A/N: you whores... I know you all enjoyed that ;)

Anyways, thank you all for reading this story and making it to the end. I can't tell you how much it means to me that people take the time to read my work and comment, vote, and add my stories to their lists. Please do not hesitate to throw some requests for fics in the comments! I love you all, please drink water and get a snack. Stay safe and keep reading <3

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