chapter 21

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Hinata had called Kageyama saying that he was back in Japan and that he wanted to see him again. They had decided to meet at their favorite spot for a picnic.

Oikawa had overheard and decided to go to the to the flower field. "A Few days later" he went to the flower field and saw Hinata waiting for Kageyama. Oikawa that this was a great place to kill Hinata as he's waiting for Kageyama.

"Hahaha" Oikawa said in a maniac type of way. " I can finally get Tobio-kun to myself!" Oikawa said in a low voice. Oikawa had everything to kill Hinata. He wore black clothes and a black mask so that he wouldn't recognize him.

Oikawa got his knife out and started to run towards the flower field. He hid in the flowers until Hinata looked somewhere else other than where he was.

After Hinata looked away, oikawa ran to him and stabbed him behind his back. He stabbed him a few times (like 3 times) on his back untill Hinata fell on the flowers. Oikawa than ran out if there and headed to a secret place.

Oikawa got to his secret place and started to clean up the blood that was on his clothes and arms. He threw his clothes and knives in a fire he had barely made. After he disposed the evedince he went straight home.

On the other hand, Hinata was laying on the flowers slowly losing blood. He started to close his eyes as, he heard Kageyama's voice calling for him." Hinata!! What happened to you?!' Kageyama shouted in surprise.

Once Kageyama came closer to Hinata, he started to notice the blood spreading on the flowers. "H-hinata! Don't leave me here by myself!" Kageyama cried.

" Y-you promised t-that we would be together and make o-our own family! W-we had g-great plans for the future! Why did it end like this?!" Kageyama said picking Hinata's head. " I-i love you- I-i want you t-to know that i-i will always watch over you-" Hinata said gasping for air.

" H-hinata!don't die on me yet! I-i can take you to the hospital- y-yeah the hospital" Kageyama said picking Hinata slowly. " L-let me die here... I don't want to go to the h-hospital... P-plus we wouldn't m-make it in time... I would be d-dead by then..." Hinata said breathing harder.

" I-i can still try" Kageyama said sobbing. "N-no my f-final wish is f-for you to t-take care of my f-family." Hianta said as he slowly started to close his eyes. He slowly started to breath and lost his pulse. All the blood was on Kageyama's hands and clothes. "N-no... Y-you can't leave me now...!"

Kageyama than had decided to call the police department to find the killer and take Hinata's body. The flowers around then we're fully covered in blood. Some of the Flowers had bits if blood behind Hinata since he was stabbed from his back.

Kageyama had started to feel lonely after Hinata had died. He missed the sweet moments they had together. He missed his jumpy and loud self. Kageyama than decided to be with Hinata's family like he requested.

He did everything to be strong for him. Knowing to keep his request in mind he had a new family, Hinata's family, that would love him. Kageyama's parents died before Kageyama had started college. After that he started to be lonely.

The only person that took care if him was his sister, Miwa, and his boyfriend, Hinata. Those people were there for him even in the hardest times.

Hinata's family and his sister made him feel a lot better, but he couldn't get over Hinata's death. Kageyama had moved in with Hinata's family and took over Hinata's room.

It was cleaned out from all of his things that he took to brazil. It still had pictures of him and his old books. Kageyama started to cry as he looked at the pictures.

He locked himself in Hinata's room and stayed there for a while month. Natsu was getting worried for Kageyama and tried talking to him. "Kageyama onni-chan, I know your sad but your going to make me sad if I see that your not eating anymore." Natsu said in a sad tone.

" I just miss Hinata... Why did he have to leave me!? We were do happy together!" Kageyama said sobbing. " You have me and everyone else in our family to support you! I have something that Hinata wanted to give you before you guys were going to meet at the field." Natsu said as she walked out to get the present for Kageyama.

She walked in with a box that had his name on it , To: Kageyama ❤️ From: Hinata. Kageyama looked up surprised that it was a box. "Here, it's for you." Natsu said handing Kageyama the box.

" Open it, Hinata said it was something special for you that no one else could give you." Natsu said with a firm smile. As Kageyama opened it he saw a card in there. He read it out loud:

Hey Kageyama,
I love you! Take care if my sister and my mom while I'm gone. I what you to feel at home untill I come back from Brazil. I will visit you oftenly so that we can see each other oftenly. Take care of the gift for me! I love you!❤️
- Hinata

After Kageyama finished reading it, he took out the gift for him. It was a a rose in a case with a photo of Hinata with him and his family together. Kageyama started to cry holding onto the rise and flower.

(This is what I was trying to describe if you didn't understand)

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(This is what I was trying to describe if you didn't understand)

Kageyama saw that there was something at the bottom of the box. It was another gift for him. This gift was a seashell that had been covering a box that had pictures inside. The picture were of the two of them and we're with the volleyball team.

They were pictures that made Kageyama smile as he looked at the pictures.

(This is Kageyama's second gift from Hinata)

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(This is Kageyama's second gift from Hinata)

He was happy and out them on a table near the bed. He put them near Hinata's picture to remind him of Hinata. He smiled as he looked the gifts that Hinata had got him.

"Thank you Natsu for bringing this to me, you made me feel a lot better." Kageyama said walking to Natsu for a hug. " No problem onni-chan, its what I'm here for and if you want me to make you happy I will!" Natsu said.

" Thank you, now let's go eat dinner together tonight." Kageyama said happily. He smiled and went out of the room happy.

Angie saw Kageyama out if the room and was happy that he had finally got out of there. " Your finally out if that room Tobio-kun! I'm proud of you!" Angie said with a smile

Angie hugged Kageyama with a big squeeze and kissed his cheek.

- hey meat buns! lately I've been off track with some school work and helping my sister learn some cherography to her favorite song. Ill try my best to post as soon as I can!

If you have any questions or recommendations, you can comment or dm me. Please vote and recommend this story to your friends. Bye bunnies!

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