chapter 24

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The next day Natsu was getting ready for her first day of school. Kageyama was getting ready and knocked on Natsu's door. " Are you almost done princess, you don't wanna be late for your first day if school." Kageyama said waiting for a reply. " Yes onni-chan I'll be done in a minute." Natsu replied in a tired tone.

Kageyama walked to the kitchen and made breakfast for the both if them. After Natsu finished her breakfast, they headed out of the house. The two of them we're both tired and ignored it. As soon as the car stopped they were already at Natsu's new school.

Natsu walked out of the car as Kageyama followed her into the school. They walked towards the school office to meet the new teachers. Once they got to the office they bumped into Suga. Kageyama was in shock while it was the first time they had seen each other since their graduation.

"Hello Suga-san, its been a while hasn't it?" Kageyama said. " It has been a while, how have you been?" "Not so good, but I have to take Natsu to meet he new teacher." Kageyama said as he looked at Natsu.

Suga saw Natsu there and was impressed on how fast she grew. " Hey little tangerine are you new here?" Suga asked. " Yes I am, onni-chan brought me here to finish my studies." Natsu said with a soft voice. "Onni-chan I'm going to be late!" Natsu said. "It's ok let's go meet your teacher, see you soon Suga-san." He said walking away with Natsu.

They both meet the teacher and Natsu went to class. " Bye onni-chan, do good in practice!" She said waving her hand. Everyone turned around and looked at Kageyama. "Have a nice day Natsu !" He answers. Everyone was supposed to see Kageyama.

He had a tall slender figure, long black hair shaped with a heart split , blueberry eyes, and his pale white skin. He was like an idol shining into peoples hearts. The girls were screaming at his handsome face and we're huddled around him. Kageyama apologized that he was busy and had to go to his practice.

The girls awed and started to walk to their classes like nothing happened.

*Natsu's POV*
I was walking in class as I hid my goodbyes to onni-chan untill a group of girls was around him. He told them that he had practice and the girls turned around and went to their class. I sat there in silence untill a girl sitting next to me tapped my shoulder. My eyes widened.

She was like a beautiful Angel. I couldn't believe there was a beautiful girl in this world like her. " My name is Yui and I saw that you were new here. Would you like to eat lunch with me?" Yui, that suits her. " Sure, I'll eat lunch with you" "May I ask for your name?" "Oh right my name is Natsu" I said. "That's a nice name" She said as she went back to reading her book.

I admired her features. She was so beautiful she had long straight black hair, bronze colored eyes, she had a tall slender figure, pale skin like the snow. Her lips looked plumped and pink while her face was round. I looked at her eyes and saw her beautiful bronzed colored eyes shining as the sun gleamed down on her. Under her left eye there was a small mole, they way she dressed was elegant and unexpected.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, her fingers were long as her pierced ears had delicate colored earrings. Her smile was perfect. Class than ended and it was time for lunch. I walked to the lunchroom and spotted Yui with her friends. "Everybody meet Natsu, she's new here so please treat her like your best friend." Yui said in a calm tone as she was standing next to me.

" Thank you Yui" I said as we sat down. The girls were nice and treated me kindly. They were all beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes off of them. Thier voices were soft and calming. They all had beautiful features which I admired.

"Do you guys play any sports?" I asked. " Me and jenni play volleyball while we do figure skating with the other two." Yu said. "That's amazing! I play volleyball and ballet. " I said. They were surprised. " Really then you could do figure skating with us !" Yui said. " I don't know I have to ask my onni-chan about that." I said looking down. " He might say yes! You never know he might let you do it!" Yui said excitedly. "I don't know , you should ask him for me." I said.

" Ok. After school when he picks you up I'll ask him if you can join the figure skating team." Yui said confidently. "I hope he lets me do it." I told her. After class Yui and her friends were waiting for me. We walked to the schools exit and waited for onni-chan. As we waited we talked about me moving with him and completing my studies.

Once onni-chan came I asked him to get out of the car. He got out and stood infront of me. He looked at us with a smiling face. " What is that you wanted to ask?" He spoke. Yui spoke up, " I was wondering if Natsu could join the figure skating team with us. Will you let her join us?" The girls next to Yui were surprised seeing onni-chan. " I don't think I will let her, but then again if it's something she wants to do I'm not forcing her." Onni-chan answered.

" Really onni-chan!! I want to join the team!" I said happily jumping up and down. After I stopped jumping I hugged him. He patted my head and said, " but if you join the team what will you do about your ballet practices and competitions?" I slowly started to let go of him and I looked up at him. "Then I'll practice at night." I said.

*Third person Pov.*

When Kageyama heated that he stopped patting Natsu's head and stood there. Natsu walked away from Kageyama and stood next to her friends. Kageyama covered his mouth and a few years escaped his eyes. The girls smilled at him without noticing he was tearing up. " Natsu... That's dangerous... You won't be able to handle the pressure and pain..." Kageyama said as his voice cracked.

Natsu looked up and saw Kageyama crying. "Onni-chan don't cry." Natsu said hugging him. Kageyama spoke, "You won't be able to handle it... Hinata died while hiding his pain... He thought he could do it too... But he only landed in the hospital from trying... Natsu don't be like Hinata... please" Kageyama pleaded. Natsu was surprised that he died and hid his pain from trying.

"Onni-chan... What did you just say...?" "That Hinata tried what you were doing and landed in the hospital most if the time ... That's why he almost never came home..." Kageyama replied squeezing her tightly. Yui and her friends were confused on who Hinata was but they felt bad for them ethier way. They stood in silence as tears started to fall. "Wait ... Who is this "Hinata"? And why did he do something so risky...?" Yui said. Natsu replied," he's my older brother... And he recently died..." Yui and her friends were in shock.

" W-what... Than who is h-he?" Jenni one of Yui's friend said. " Hes my dead brothers fiancee..." Natsu said crying harder. The thought of Hinata made Kageyama and Natsu cry even worse. "We were supposed to get married last weekend..." Kageyama added while cleaning his tears.

" Natsu ethier you quit ballet or your chances of being in the figure skating team..." Kageyama said. " I'll quit doing ballet... I won't get hurt like that ... Like Hinata.." Natsu smiled. " Let's go home now it's late and you have school tomorrow. Ill drop you girls off." Kageyama said while Natsu got in the car. " You sure?" Yui said. "Yes, it's dangerous for young beautiful girls walking this late." Kageyama said as the girls enter the car.

"After Kageyama dropped the girls off" Kageyama and Natsu were finally at home. The two of them are dinner and washed up. 20 minutes later the two of them fell asleep.

-A/N I hope you like the chapter! Please vote for it and share it to your friends. If you have any questions or recommendations please comment or dm me. Sorry I haven't posted bunnies! I was busy with school and started watching some new dramas and forgot about my writing. Have a nice day/night!

 Have a nice day/night!

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