Chapter 14

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Jamie POV

Where did things go wrong?

Oh. I know.

That day in the throne room with the Mad King....

' You did the right thing that day in the throne room. He was a mad man. He got what was coming to him. I wish you were able to save those children and their mother. I wouldn't damn children for their father's sins. I see hope in you too. You might not believe it but I will for you.'

I wonder if you doing okay...Ashara. I look down at my stump and over at Lady Brienne.


I was back. After the insane jounry I was back....then Cersei turned me away. 

I soon was informed a lot about what happen and then me being taken off the kings guard. I look at the golden hand that was crafted for me then it was a knock on my door.

" Come in." I said.

I young beautiful girl came in.

" Yes."

" Welcome home and I been waiting for your return. Read this and burn it after please." She said handing me a letter. It had Ashara name on it.

" She given me that to hand to you when you returned.Good day." She said and was soon gone as she had came.


' I have a lot of words for you Jamie for attacking my father.  I wish I could say all this to you in person but I will be gone when you return. I wish we have gotten a proper goodbye as you were interesting company. I might have gotten you something sweeter. I have some truths I have to tell about. One is that I do know your father all your sister's children and your relations with her. I know it was someone in your family or work for ...gave the kill the hand of the Vale. 

I never wanted to be your enemy but after your sister's attempts at killing me for what our relationship was she made herself one. Now I have something interesting to tell you about your sister. 

She and your cousin Lancel been fucking each other.

Your sister confronted me a day or so after you left. Threaten even. With these words in the air for her.

'Everything you love I will take... One now and another to follow'

I hope to see you soon Ser Jamie...

You deserve better'

I sat rereading what I read. I processed everything but not one part.

Cersei and Lancel... 

Lancel and Cersei..

Those two names bounce back and forth in my head. How could she?

I slip the letter into the fire and a familiar smell came from it.

Winter roses and something else..

Third POV

The blonde beautiful girl been doing good for her Empress. Make sure everything goes as plan. All evidence. The joy it will bring her.

Myrcella POV

We all could hear her cries in the halls. Miho, Leo, and I froze in the throne room and the letter in my hands. I felt like throwing up. tears stream down my face.

' My empress I bring sad news.

I must inform you that Tywin Lannister, Lord Bolton, and Lord Frey had made an agreement on something I was too late to find out.

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